“Germany’s record on free speech leaves a lot to be desired. Vacillating from one extreme to another, from simulcasting Nazi propaganda to criminalizing Holocaust-denial, it has long struggled to protect the civil liberty of free speech while quelling the tides of authoritarianism. In an attempt to control the recent uptick in xenophobia and racism, largely exacerbated by sudden demographic shifts linked to Berlin’s refugee-intake program, German authorities are now prosecuting arbitrarily-defined “hate speech,” otherwise known as free speech, with what appears to be de facto blasphemy laws. On Wednesday, Chancellor Angela Merkel backed a federal program to monitor and police internet activity on popular social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. ” –Source
Why they claim they are just now passing the law is a joke. Why do I say that? Do recall this video I did back in December of 2015 wherein I show how YouTube blocked a video I made titled “Nazi’s pledge to obey Pope on Camera“? In that video I show pictures of the Nazi soldiers saluting the Pope using the same Vatican hand signal the Swiss Guards do as a show of respect and loyalty to the Pope and his Trinity doctrine. YouTube pulled the video in Germany and Israel to hide the truth that they feared would go viral regarding Rome’s obvious plans for Israel even today. And I don’t believe they only blocked in the nations listed in that email they sent me either as I got many emails from other countries no on the list saying they could not see the video either. Praise the Lord there is a way around viewing blocked videos. All one needs to do is use a proxy IP address. But they know most people don’t know how to do that. There is software that helps people do this that aren’t too techy. But it is rather easy to do without wasting money on such things. Click here to see what I mean.
What appears obvious to me on this is the craftiness of the man of sin just as the prophet Daniel predicted. Germany as we know was by majority Roman Catholic when the Vatican Emperor Adolph Hitler came to power. It is still by majority (66.8% Christian) claiming to be Catholic. Now yes, I know they split the count by claiming 31.7% Protestant to 31.2% Catholic with a few fringe denominations. But we all know about the ecumenical charge of Rome has claimed all “Christian” Churches to be one with Rome now (including the SDA church) and just recently the German based Lutheran Church supposedly caved to join the Vatican as well.
But my point in all this is:
The Pope knows he needs to get free speech removed. (hence the reason I created this page on my site years ago) And what is the best way to craftily get free speech removed? Make free speech legal of course! How’s that?! Think about it. If you let the people in Germany, who have a long history of Hitler worship to flourish unchecked for a few years, it will get so out of hand that the politicians can just sit back and wait till it gets near the borders of anarchy to where they “suddenly” have no choice but to remove all free speech so as to stop all the hate crimes, riots and bloodshed.
So, how is this our problem?
Do you recall the Vatican’s first Nazi Pope who catapulted Germany back into a global player position recently? Do you also recall when Obama campaigned in Germany before his first term? And were you aware of Trump’s German roots as well? But that’s neither here nor there when you consider how the New World Order will be set up when it’s all said and done. See my videos on this and the page I created years ago outlining what the Pope has been up to in all this as per the prophetic Word of God.And… This just in! Were you also aware that the German courts have recently decided that Sharia Police are LEGAL in Germany?
To summarize, think of it this way. As I stated in my June 2008 Truth Provided Newsletter, the prophecy states the World as we know it will be split into ten separate regions for a very short time right before Jesus comes to destroy them all. (See my “Dream of a King” study on how this all goes down. Also see currents events on this regard in a few videos I did on this) In short, when all those nations form under ONE global ruler, the laws of each nation will become the laws in all nations. This is why they changed all their Constitutions in every nation, and as prophesied, plan to do the same in America soon. They did this so as to have all that’s needed on paper BEFORE the other shoe drops. That means.. since free speech is now outlawed in Germany, who is a current NWO member nation, it is then to be illegal in all nations when those toes start wiggling in that dropped shoe.
Will that stop the loud cry? Read Acts 5:29.
Additional Articles Confirming we are in the Last Days:
Christian Refugees Facing Attacks In European Refugee Camps * Fight over ‘gay’ wedding cake given new life * Black-Arab Muslim: Obama conceals Islam’s inherent violence * Obama keeps expanding global programs with U.S. dollars * Cops worldwide team up against child predators (EXCEPT Vatican?!) * Rabbi says it’s kosher to break Sabbath to shoot wildfire arsonists * Black Friday kicks off with deadly shootings * Obama takes parting shot at small businesses * ‘Demon’ asteroid playing chicken with Earth orbit * 7th lawsuit filed against university over same faith fight * ‘Hate Spaces’ Gives a Horrifying Glimpse Into Anti-Israel, Antisemitic Activity on US Campuses