JS122062081-beauty-and-the-beast-xlarge_trans_NvBQzQNjv4Bqy34agG8LywN8jF2j6iD1ZW33BCoFRjiBBi3TgWHQy5QNow, Disney is to move firmly into a new era as it introduces its first “exclusively gay moment”, disclosing the new version of Beauty and the Beast will star a manservant exploring his sexuality. The live-action version of Beauty and the Beast is already on course to be the most thoroughly modern film of its kind, with star Emma Watson discussing how she made the role of Belle more feminist. The team have now revealed one character, LeFou, will experience Disney’s first ever “gay moment” on screen, as he struggles with his feelings for ultra-macho leading man Gaston.” –Source

Surprised? Yeah, neither am I. Many people, and this includes Christians and non-Christians alike, have known for many years that Disney is one of the most evil organizations on the planet. And I say “most evil” because as we all know, the adults in this world have been easily CONvinced into thinking such things as homosexuality, fornication and bestiality is normal. But unless you indoctrinate the children early on, as we have seen for decades now wherein Hollywood companies that have designed “entertainment” specifically for children that is both blasphemous as well as downright satanic, you’re not going to have an easy row to hoe when they grow up. But Disney literally built an empire on manipulating children just as the Vatican did with everything from all boy schools to choirs.  

It’s bad enough that Disney made a film about a love affair between a young girl and an animal wherein almost every parent in the nation ignores simply because it was Disney who they were programmed to believe were wholesome and had their child’s best interests at heart; but come on already people! She falls in love with an ANIMAL! Does it matter the fictional tale (bold faced lie) has a supposed “magical spell” upon him? Truth is, even that is demonic in that it introduces witchcraft to your child in a loving and gentle manner. After all, it’s Disney, the “Magical Kingdom” for children. How blind have some people become? Seriously! And these very same people waste thousands of dollars to travel to Disney Land with their children to further introduce them to the loving gentle lies of Satan via fictional characters like mice, dogs and ducks literally walking around hugging the children. Still, some will say it’s all innocent and no harm is done. Really?

Think on this the next time you pop in that DVD, turn the channel or hop on that plane headed to Florida. I found quite a few websites online that discuss and prove using pics and doc files that confirm Disney is a very evil place. Just to name a few, they expose some of the homosexual drawings designed to subliminally entice the children in their many pictures and movies. And no, it can’t happen by accident because these things are literally hand drawn and approved by Disney before going to film! And no, I am not talking about things that kinda look like something bad. The stuff these websites uncover are very graphic and very realistic!

Were you also aware that Disney hosts a “Gay Day” at the park every year and they don’t warn unsuspecting parents that spend tons of money to bring their little children? Those promiscuously dressed homosexuals will be parading themselves all over Disney Land all day long for their children to look at and no, you cannot get a refund if you leave offended. Or what of the many full frontal nudity photos that appear in Disney films from as far back as the 1960’s? Yup, this has been going on for decades! And as for the 1940’s movie Fantasia? WOW! It looks like an hallucination of a Satanist high on LCD.

Some websites also listed all the sidelines Disney is involved in that are downright raunchy and very demonic to say the least. But suffice it to say, I do believe some parents need to check Disney out online before they destroy the lives of their own children any further. Or how about taking a second look at the movies you have in your home from Disney? Pray first and then fast-forward through them and you will see everything from murder, bestiality, homosexuality, fornication, theft, lying and even witchcraft are glorified in them. 

And just so you know, the way Mickey’s ears are drawn have a direct connection with Satanic symbolism. (See this pic and then this pic) And  yes, just as Roman Catholic priests invented and then frequented “boys town” with their political friends for obvious reasons, Disney also makes it far too easy for pedophiles with cameras to romp and frolic all over the park. But the parents see no problem because they just think they have cameras to take pictures of the park. It’s all hidden in plain sight just like they do in their movies!

One last thing.. Have you noticed the evil fruit of Disney in their so called “innocent” offspring of cute little boys and girls that started out working for them? First they hook the children in with innocent looking child singers and actors and when those kids grow up with a huge following they let them lose on society to further poison the minds of our children. Who are some of these “child stars” that became Hollywood stars? Brittney Spears, Miley Cyrus, Selena Gomez, Christina Aguillera, Lindsey Lohan, Justin Timberlake and the late Paul Walker just to name a few. In any event, as history now confirms, NOTHING good ever came from Walt Disney or his amusement parks. In fact, now that many have exposed them we all know how everything that is evil has come from Disney. And since your Bible says in Philippians 4:8, “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.” How as Christian parents should we respond? Cam I get an AMEN?

 Additional Articles Confirming we are in the Last Days:

Christian Worship to Be Replaced with Multi-Faith Assemblies in British Schools * ‘Centuries of religious conflict’ now on U.S. soil * Two Thirds of Germans Fear Becoming Victims of Terror Attacks * Muslim BBC Boss who Gave Platform to Islamist Extremist Appointed Head of Religion * VIDEO: Chicago police arrest 81 in overnight raids, mostly for drug and weapons offenses * Multidrug-resistant infections rising in US kids * VIDEO: You’re Overpaying for Drugs and Your Pharmacist Can’t Tell You * California bans students and public workers from state-funded trips to anti-LGBT states * Ohio Woman Admits to Beheading Her Infant Daughter But Still Claims She ‘Loved Her’ * Millions are starving and Catholics do this? * Child sex abuse often precedes ‘gay’ lifestyle * Iran holds naval war games amid rising tensions with U.S. * Auction off a senior? Sacramento high school to end ‘all-around wrong’ practice * FYI: ‘Can you hear me?’ scam has police urging people to hang up immediately * VIDEO: 10% Boost: White House set to increase military spending to make army ‘more effective’


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