On January 01, 2020 we find; “Pope Francis began 2020 with a bang Wednesday, issuing a harsh condemnation of violence against women and insisting that how society treats women and their bodies is a measure of its level of humanity.” –Source

Yet just one day before releasing this statement this very same Pope actually strikes a woman TWICE on camera! Check it out in this video.

So I have to ask, what did John the Baptist say to a ROMAN soldier 2000 years ago? He said in Luke 3:14 that we should “Do violence to no man.” And so it appears the Pope needs to read the Bible. In fact, check out a few videos I did years ago wherein it shows Roman Catholic priests striking women, children, a homeless man, a policeman that came to the aid of the homeless man and worse yet one priest even hit an innocent baby on camera!

If you’ve ever done any research into the past of the Roman Catholic Popes and their loyal priests you will find hundreds of millions of people were burned alive, skinned alive, drawn and quartered and even buried alive just to name a few. And this is not to mention the many millions of molested and murdered children. The Roman Catholic priesthood has always been and will continue to be a very violent and bloodthirsty collection of men just as Christian prophecy said they will be all the way up until the very day they are destroyed.

The fact John the Baptist said to “Do violence to no man” 2000 years ago and later when the church of Rome not only admitted via John Paul II’s mea culpa to have tortured and killed hundreds of millions of innocent Christians since they came to power in 538AD as a Church and State, we can see by the bloodthirsty oath of the Jesuit priesthood, of which by the way they now have a priest that took this oath to kill the innocent standing as Pope; these men continue to this day to do the exact opposite of what the Bible says we should do to our neighbor.

If you have eyes that see then this very visible wicked fruit of the Pope and his priests should prove to any rationally thinking man or woman, this is indeed the church of Antichrist. For even the leader of the Roman Catholic church, the Pope himself, cannot overcome the desire to strike the very people he claims to shepherd.

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