Shocking Articles of the Week (ending 04-03-24)

Credit: Blog from Presents of God ministry

Some may think that Roman Catholic President Joe Biden was off his rocker when he stated that ‘trans Americans are made in the image of God’ on Monday, but it’s all part of a long-prophesied agenda of the man of sin in Rome who in unison with his dying god must perform so as to set the stage that moves nearly every American to assume their “fix to society’s ills” is something everyone in American wants.

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Shocking Articles of the Week (ending 03-27-24)

Credit: Blog from Presents of God ministry

As many know, I have a page on the site all about the Vatican’s Socialist agenda that confirms their long-prophesied desired to use the USA to spearhead their mark of the beast enforcement. On that page I have many articles and videos confirming the so called “Great Reset” plans for all nations. This starting here in the USA. And since Rome was able to get Roman Catholic Joe Biden into office in a very strange way wherein he can be used as the ultimate puppet under control by the Vatican cultivated and controlled shadow government here in our country, Biden’s apparent bowing to China due his massive corruption causing him to be compromised in ways that many in politics never saw coming; we can see this in how China has been allowed to commit many dangerous acts against our country without being stopped. Everything from the spy balloon to buying up hundreds of thousands of acres near our military bases confirms Biden cannot stop them without being outed worse than he already is.

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SHOCKING articles of the week (ending-02-28-24)

Credit: Blog from Presents of God ministry

Remember the (Sunday) Sabbath to Stop Global Warming!

“In The Washington Post recently, advice columnist Michael Coren argued that one way to fight climate change is to take a weekly day of rest. He called his idea a “green Sabbath. Clergy are now arguing that this practice, whether in a secular or religious context, can help redirect the world’s societies away from catastrophic climate change.

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Adventist-Catholics Celebrate Ash Wednesday and Lent – SDA apostasy

On February 14, 2024, the La Sierra SDA church posted, “Day 1 – Love and Ashes… This Valentine’s Day is also Ash Wednesday. It’s a day when many Christians from different traditions around the world will attend a service and receive ashes on their foreheads in the shape of a cross. The person administering the ashes may say, “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return,” or “Repent and believe in the Gospel… Over the next 40 days, during Lent, leading us through to four days with Jesus, community members will be sharing personal stories of when a word from God helped them go on… The Church landed on fasting for 40 days before Easter because of the 40 days and 40 nights Jesus spent in the wilderness after his baptism. ”

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Pope: We do not learn things from Jesus

On February 3, 2024, the Vatican News reported that “Pope Francis meets with Spanish seminarians from Madrid, and encourages men preparing for the priesthood to draw their inspiration from Christ in prayer.” But notice what the pope’s remarks to the seminarians when he said, “From Jesus we do not learn things. We welcome Him; we cling to Him, to be able to bring Him to others.”

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