“Pope: May the Ignatian Year help us see all things new in Christ” Prophecy News Updates – 5/28/21

Notice this blasphemous claim of Pope: “The Pope is not only the representative of Jesus Christ, he is Jesus Christ himself, hidden under the veil of flesh.” Catholic National July 1895.]

Then notice the Jesuit Oath here: “I furthermore promise and declare that I will, when opportunity present, make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to do, to extirpate and exterminate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex or condition; and that I will hang, waste, boil, flay, strangle and bury alive these infamous heretics, rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women and crush their infants’ heads against the walls, in order to annihilate forever their execrable race. That when the same cannot be done openly, I will secretly use the poisoned cup, the strangulating cord, the steel of the poniard or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or authority of the person or persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agent of the Pope or Superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Faith, of the Society of Jesus.”

Then read below headline where the pope offers a blessing to celebrate the Ignatian year from May 2021 till June 2022… The Bible says, “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.Matthew 7:15 

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“Pope Hangs Nude Jesus Caressing Judas Behind His Desk” Prophecy News Updates – 4/30/21

We are now in the end times so it’s really obvious that the man of sin has already been revealed as prophesied in 2 Thessalonians 2:3. The Pope not only preached “another Jesus” but also show his fruits of sin. Those people who are still connected in Babylon, but are true and honest will know the voice of God and heed His call “Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.Revelation 18:4.

Pope hangs nude Jesus caressing Judas behind his desk

For some people, and especially Catholics, this is going to be shocking. Check this out. – “A report by the Vatican’s own newspaper reveals Pope Francis recently hung an image behind his desk depicting a naked Jesus Christ caressing his dead apostle Judas Iscariot. …Francis loved this painting so much that he has placed it on the wall behind his desk along with another representing Judas.” NOW ON VIDEO

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PROOF – Socialist Global Government to enforce the MARK


Back in 2011 I created a page on my website called “Vatican’s Socialist Agenda” wherein I share prophetic Scripture and a few articles proving the Vatican is planning to create a global socialist society wherein they can have all the control they need to put forth religious laws on a global basis. And why religious laws? Notice how every time the beast or his mark is mentioned in prophecy the word worship is right there with it.

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The Vatican Can’t Hide These Signs!

There are many prophecies in the Word of God that define who the man of sin is, as well as his plans as a multi-body Antichrist. I say multi-body because every Pope since the start of the prophesied Church & State kingdom that the prophet Daniel called diverse (Daniel 7:23) started in 538AD; each and every Pope has embraced and actually fulfilled the prophecies regarding the actions of Antichrist in History. For those of you that haven’t seen my videos on this, see my Characteristics of Antichrist page for 26 of the most easy to see prophecies matched to historic records in detail as well as some videos for those of you that don’t like reading.

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Covid-19: Global Compliance

Do you recall all the videos I posted showing how the Pope met with all the CEO and Political leaders as well as how he controls the media in America and other aspects of society? There’s far too many to list here. It’s all part of the final plans towards a New World Order.

Have you seen all the Covid 19 compliance emails being sent out from every major company we associate with on and offline? I’ve seen emails about how these companies are doing all they can to do their part in this so called pandemic. From our banks to utility companies, to our schools and even online shopping. Most of us have seen this type of email the last 2 weeks. And so what does it all mean?

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The reason they WANT you to be SCARED!

Reuters just announced “‘It’s okay to feel scared’” (Source) But as Christians that trust the Lord, no, it is not “ok to feel scared.” Despair is sin. In fact, as I stated in a video back in 2018, fear keeps you OUT of Heaven!

As prophesied, the powers that be are doing this to cultivate fear because it makes it that much easier to control the masses. Moving one man away from his opinion or even his morals can be very difficult for the powers that be. But put that man in a crowd filled with fear and he will follow the herd wherever they are told to go.

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Coronavirus Hype, Georgia Guidestones & the MARK

I am sure many are wondering as to why the media is saying people are dropping like flies due to the Corona virus, yet most people don’t see it in regular life. In fact, I did a poll in my YouTube Community of 30,000 subscribers and it turns out that 98% never had it nor know of anyone that had the virus. None of us, myself included have yet to hear of anyone that has the virus. As a pastor, I myself have yet to receive a single prayer request from any of the brethren we are in agreement with that are now in every nation on earth. One would think at least one would have emailed or called by now.

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Zuckerberg Calls for Government to Give Everybody ‘Universal Basic Income’

CAMBRIDGE, MA - MAY 25: Mark Zuckerberg, Harvard dropout and CEO of Facebook, a company worth nearly $400 billion, is pictured at the Harvard University commencement in Cambridge, MA on May 25, 2017. Zuckerberg delivered the commencement address and received an honorary degree. (Photo by David L. Ryan/The Boston Globe via Getty Images)
CAMBRIDGE, MA – MAY 25: Mark Zuckerberg, Harvard dropout and CEO of Facebook, a company worth nearly $400 billion, is pictured at the Harvard University commencement in Cambridge, MA on May 25, 2017. Zuckerberg delivered the commencement address and received an honorary degree. (Photo by David L. Ryan/The Boston Globe via Getty Images)

“Thursday during his commencement speech at Harvard, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg called for a “new social contract” with a “universal basic income.” Zuckerberg said, “Every generation expands its definition of equality. Previous generations fought for the vote and civil rights, they had the  New Deal and the Great Society. And now it’s time for our generation to define a new social contract. We should have a society that measures progress not by economic metrics like GDP but by how many of us have a role we find meaningful.” –Source

In other words, since we have followed the lead of the Vatican in promoting a Socialist format in America by offering welfare to tens of millions of people that don’t need it at all but gladly receive over getting a real job, and since most in America like the idea of allowing the Government to control every aspect of their lives thanks to the dumbing down brought on by the government schools system, why not force the American people to accept a mandatory income so as to teach them to rely 100% on the corrupted Government so that when new and more insane laws are passed removing freedoms and promoting insanities like the mandatory Vaccinations they keep pushing. That way when the people refuse to do as their government commands they can just threaten to take away their “mandatory incomes” so as to force them into compliance just as we saw the government do with the so called Preachers and pastors who bowed in worship to the filthy lucre handed them under the long prophesied 501c contract. Now granted the restriction on political sermons was lifted on May 4th a few weeks ago, but that is where they hung their hat for 63 years! But then that’s how big government works. They push the unjust laws for as long as it grants them additional control of the people and only lift it when it benefits them. And getting the one world church members (ALL church denominations today) to chime in to help the Pope in his push for Sunday Laws, that’s a prophetic no-brainer. And yes, this includes the SDA church as an admitted member. See their own doc files here.   Continue reading

Venezuela army deployed to control food production and distribution

Venezuela’s military has taken control of five ports in an effort to guarantee supplies of food and medicine.

In a decree, President Nicolas Maduro has ordered the army to monitor food processing plants, and co-ordinate the production and distribution of items.

Venezuela is going through a deep economic crisis despite having the world’s largest oil reserves.

Basic products are increasingly hard to find and many say they struggle to feed their families. Continue reading

Amid Economic Crisis, Venezuelans Enter Trances and Worship False Goddesses

One long night every year in a mountainous rain forest in Venezuela, hundreds gather to dance on red-hot embers, enter trance-like states and worship an ancient goddess known as Maria Lionza.

Those who travel to the mountain known as Sorte in central Venezuela are practitioners of a cult that is built on local indigenous traditions. Followers say its rituals heal pain and can even cure disease.   Continue reading