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Signs of the times – GospelOrder.Com – A collection of current events, news, documentaries and Bible truths.

Islamopower: Meet the new Muslim PAC

Jetpac-founder-Mazen“A new organization called Jetpac Inc. is mobilizing to get more Muslims elected to public office in U.S. cities and states, but an investigation into the founder’s background reveals ties to the extremist Muslim Brotherhood, which has been hard at work trying to influence American politics since the 1990s. The first Muslim elected to a national office was Rep. Keith Ellison, who was elected in 2006 to represent a heavily Democratic district in Minnesota. He was sworn into office with his hand on the Quran, and that singular act opened a world of possibilities for other politically minded Muslims.” –Source

One of the things I love about being a student of prophecy is that confirmation always makes the heart experience hope as well as an increase in faith when we see that which the Lord told us will happen actually come to fruition exactly as He stated. For decades we have been warning people about a Muslim infiltration in America that as students of prophecy we knew was solely due to the Vatican’s long prophesied agenda to bring about a way to enforce religious laws in America that will see the 30,000+ guillotines come out of mothballs.   Continue reading

Pope Francis Goes Forward with Egypt Trip, Despite Jihadist Bombings

pope-francis-1-640x480 (1)“Despite two separate ISIS bombing attacks on Christian churches in Egypt Sunday, the Vatican has confirmed that Pope Francis is moving forward with his plan to visit Cairo just three weeks from now. On Monday, Archbishop Angelo Becciu, the number two of the Vatican Secretariat of State, confirmed that the Pope would still be traveling as planned to Egypt April 28-29, just as Egypt’s Cabinet announced a three-month state of emergency. “There is no doubt that the Holy Father will stick to his plan,” Becciu told the Italian daily, Corriere della Sera. “What happened causes distress and great suffering, but it cannot prevent the Pope from carrying out his mission of peace.” –Source

First and foremost his “mission of peace” has absolutely nothing to do with actual peace. In fact, when speaking of the beast in Rome it states clearly in Daniel 8:25, “And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.” Every Pope of the Roman Catholic church, and especially a Jesuit Pope who took an oath to kill innocent people in the most violent manner imaginable simply because they’re not “Catholic” are in fact, hands down the most evil men ever to breathe air on planet earth with one exception; that being of course Judas Iscariot who betrayed our Lord.   Continue reading

VIDEO: Meet ‘next Obama’ groomed to make political history

“The Democratic Party may have found its next Barack Obama. His name is Dr. Abdul el-Sayed, he’s a 32-year-old medical doctor and he recently launched his campaign for governor of Michigan, the election for which is in November 2018. If he wins he would be America’s first Muslim governor. He speaks articulately, without an accent, inserts humor into his speeches at seemingly just the right moments, and he has the full backing of America’s powerful Muslim Brotherhood-linked network of Islamic organizations.” Source

Still wondering why I created the “Pope and Islam” page on my website? Or are the videos I did regarding the soon to come Shariah Law in the USA making you a tad concerned? ( Click here for ALL the videos touching on Shariah and Islam with the Pope) What we’re witnessing here is a stealth invasion by loyal Roman troops. It’s no mistake this Muslim politician picked Michigan to gain the office of Governor which he knows will make him capable of running as president a bit easier when that day comes. As we know, they have infiltrating the courts in Michigan for years to adopt a pro-Sharia stance. And with the crazed mindset of most Democrats today that are so angry about Hillary’s failure, and the fact Michigan was a key state that caused her to lose, many will vote for this man at the drop of a hat thinking any victory for their side is a good victory. No matter how insane that would be.   Continue reading

Did the Pope just send Islamic Terrorists to China?

Uighur-men-praying-at-mosque-AFP-640x480“The Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) and its rival al-Qaeda have recently published propaganda videos explicitly calling on jihadists from China’s Uighur minority who have joined the terrorist groups to attack the communist country. …Both videos feature calls to the Muslim world to wage jihad against the kafirs [non-believers] of China and to perform acts of revenge for the deaths of Uyghur Muslims in Xinjiang. …Oh, you Chinese, who do not understand what people say! We are the soldiers of Allah, will make you understand Islam with the tongues of our weapons. We will come to you to shed blood like rivers and avenge the oppressed,” he adds before savagely decapitating a prisoner dressed in red, a color traditionally associated with communism.” –Source

If you are one to watch the News, especially that which comes from nations wherein the Pope recently visited or is trying to make “friendly relations” with, you may notice that each time the Pope visits a nation, not long after the visit political chaos literally breaks forth on numerous front because the man of sin brings the enemy of souls with him wherever he goes and anyone doing business with him grants Satan permission to run rampant in their nation. What amazes me is how 1.2 billion Catholics keep missing all this time after time. They watch their Popes go from nation to nation, yet rarely do they see their Popes having major meetings with Catholic church leaders. No, the Pope concentrates on having meetings with the leaders of nations as well as non-Catholic leaders and with leaders from very evil religions. Worse yet, he bows before their antiChristian leaders and actually kisses their holy books. But nary a Catholic is bothered by this?  Continue reading

Jesuits at Georgetown University Lying for the Muslim Brotherhood!

MB-Motto“A Georgetown professor has penned a column in the Washington Post saying the Muslim Brotherhood does not exist in America and even if it did, it’s an entirely peaceful organization. In an op-ed titled “Calling the Muslim Brotherhood a Terrorist Organization Would Hurt All American Muslims,” Professor Arjun Singh Sethi says that “the Brotherhood disavowed violence long ago.” Groups such as the Council on American-Islamic Relations or CAIR, the Islamic Society of North America or ISNA and Muslim Student Association or MSA have “no connection to it,” according to Sethi, even though the connections have been documented by countless other scholars, FBI officials and investigative journalists. He also tries to discredit the much-quoted “Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America,” authored by Brotherhood member Mohamed Akram. “This memorandum, of which there is only one known copy, has been widely discredited and called a fantasy,” Sethi writes.” –Source

One would think that him being a Professor he would have done just a tad bit more research before publishing such folderol any journalist wannabe could research out in their kitchen on any cellphone to find the real truth on this. But being a Professor in a Vatican funded Jesuit University one has to realize the power behind the comment and so the demographic research would have to be looked at to assure a positive outcome on all this before releasing such a statement. The numbers are there and they knew before going to press that the majority in the nation, and those Soros and Rome pay to riot in the streets, are the type of sheeple anyone with viable gray matter knows to be morally unstable to the point they would switch sides at the drop of a dime; or maybe a bulging promised bag of bitcoins, (perhaps 30?) and so they needed to make sure the to appeal to employed rioters would believe such comments as we see this Professor sharing. I mean after all, they don’t want to upset the pawns unless they can profit by their ill repute en masse; and one can rest assured martial law can be quite profitable for those in power. Especially those that purchased nationally sized portions of dry goods they can sell at puffed up prices when the store shelves go empty. (BTW: For those that don’t think Soros is working with Catholics, click here)

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Vatican, Al-Azhar team up to counter religious justification for violence

Pope_Francis_meets_with_the_grand_imam_Sheik_Ahmed_Muhammad_Al_Tayyib_at_the_Vatican_May_23_2016_Credit_LOsservatore_RomanoThe Vatican and one of Islam’s most renowned schools of Sunni thought are joining forces to discuss how they can work together in combating religious extremism that uses God’s name to justify violence.

On Feb. 21 the Vatican announced that Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, president of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, will travel to Cairo to participate in a special seminar at the Al-Azhar University.

He will be joined by the council’s secretary, Bishop Miguel Ángel Ayuso Guixot, and the head of their Office for Islam, Msgr. Khaled Akasheh, to discuss the theme “The role of al-Azhar al-Sharif and of the Vatican in countering the phenomena of fanaticism, extremism and violence in the name of religion.”   Continue reading

Muslim refugee hails Pope Francis as the example of religion

Pope_Francis_hosts_a_lunch_with_Syrian_refugees_at_his_residence_in_Vatican_City_Aug_11_2016_Credit_LOsservatore_Romano_CNAROME – Nur Essa, a Muslim Syrian woman whose family was brought to Rome from Lesbos by Pope Francis last April, said that the openness he has shown to those of different faiths has deeply impressed her.

“For me, I was surprised,” she told CNA. “(He is) very open to all of the cultures, all of the religions, and he sets an example for all the religious people in the world, because he uses religion to serve the human being.”

Essa, 31, has met the pope on several occasions, most recently during the pope’s visit on February 17th to Roma Tre University, a public research university in Rome where she currently studies. Continue reading

Pope takes a stand for persecuted Muslim group

GettyImages-631451938-640x427Pope Francis appealed Wednesday for the Rohingya, a Muslim minority group forced to flee violence and persecution in Myanmar.

The pope singled out the group during his weekly audience at the Vatican, asking pilgrims to pray with him “for our Rohingya brothers and sisters who are being chased from Myanmar and are fleeing from one place to another because no one wants them.”

“They are good people, they are not Christians, they are peaceful people, they are our brothers and sisters. And for years they have been suffering. They are being tortured and killed, simply because they uphold their Muslim faith,” Francis said as he marked the church’s International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking.   Continue reading

Muslim Mob Rapes 15 Christian Women in ‘Revenge Attack’ for Conversions

uganda-christian-640x480In a recent attack, some 90 Muslims stormed a Christian church in eastern Uganda, beating and tying up the men present before raping 15 of the Christian women.

The assault was reportedly a “revenge attack” against the pastor of the Katira church for allegedly converting Muslims to Christianity. Along with the violence perpetrated against the congregation, the mob also carried off the pastor, the Rev. Moses Mutasa, and severely damaged the church property.

According to a member of the congregation who escaped from the church, one of the attackers shouted, “Away with the pastor who is converting our Muslims to Christianity.” After the attack, church members also found leaflets accusing the pastor of converting Muslims and threatening more attacks.   Continue reading

Islamic Cleric: Muhammed Will Marry Virgin Mary in Heaven

GettyImages-517486038-640x480“A leading Egyptian cleric irked his Christian compatriots when he said on television that the Islamic figure Muhammed would marry the Virgin Mary in heaven. …The Quran said: ‘Allah will give [the Prophet] women preferable to his wives, Muslim, pious, pure women.’” One, he said, referred to Asiya and the other to Mary. Egypt’s Christian community was enraged by Galil’s remarks. The community’s youth movement issued a statement demanding an apology. The movement’s chairman, Nader Soubhi, said: “We Christians don’t recognize any aspect of the Virgin Mary except her sanctity, her purity and her virginity. The Virgin Mary will never lose any of these.” –Source

First and foremost, it wasn’t’ “Christians” that were enraged, it was Roman Catholics because Bible believing Christians know for a fact that Joseph consummated his marriage to Mary after she gave birth for in refusing to do so would mean they both lived in sin before all believers till death. When speaking of Joseph and his obedient act of consummation the Bible clearly says in Matthew 1:25, “And knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son: and he called his name JESUS.” The word “till” denotes he waited the proper period of time to consummate.   Continue reading