SUNday worship is never for Christians

A religious news headline on November 24, 2024, stated that “The significance of Sunday worship for Christians.” It goes on to say that “The tradition of Sunday worship finds its origins in the Bible and early Christian practices. According to the New Testament, Jesus Christ rose from the dead on a Sunday, an event celebrated as the Resurrection. This made Sunday, often referred to as the “Lord’s Day,” a sacred occasion for Christians to gather and commemorate the foundation of their faith.”

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Pope Denies Hell AGAIN

Pope Francis said this week he believes in hell but likes to think of it as “empty” because of God’s great mercy.” according to news headline on January 16, 2024. He continues by saying that, “What I will say is not a dogma of faith but something personal,” the pontiff said Sunday evening on the Italian television program Che Tempo Che Fa. “I like to think of hell as empty; I hope it is,” he told the show’s host, Fabio Fazio.

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Exactly As Prophesied

Credit: Blog from Presents of God ministry

As students of prophecy, we know there are certain things that must happen before the mark of the beast can be enforced. If you have read my blog entry titled “Steps Have Been Taken to Enforce the MARK” you know what’s already happened recently and so, there’s not a lot left to happen. I also have a page titled “Religious Laws are Coming” wherein I share current events regarding the mark of the beast being enforced soon and I also have a website “The LOUD Cry” wherein I share an outline on how the Loud Cry goes forth and what happens directly before the mark is enforced for those children of God who are serious about getting ready for their King’s return.

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