Global elites are pushing for a new world order

Transcript starting 3:30:Our global economy is undergoing deep transformation. The energy transmission, the consequences of covid, the reshaping of supply chains are all serving as catalyctic forces for the economic transformation. The most critical fragmentation is between those who take a constructive attitude and those who are just bystanders… But the spirit of Davos is positive, its constructive.” [KlauS Schwab-WEF, Davos 2023]… (Start at 8:02) – [WEF]: “We have to save this planet to save our freedom and the way we’re living. And we’re not good enough yet. We have to improve.” “I feel that, you were talking about development, i think indeed we don’t need like growth or development. I really think less is more and I’ll leave it at that.” [Laura] – No more development. None for you. No more growth. It’s back to the stone age. Well, beneath all their breathless blaster about sustainability and global equity, lies the truth about the globalist’s real goals. Look, we’re not experiencing a planetary emergency. They are experiencing a power emergency, meaning, theirs is in jeopardy. Protecting their own purchase in influence and money, consolidating their power by any means necessary is their aim. So your modes of transportation, your food sources, how you cook your food, your right to self-defense, your right to free speech, even your right to own property, would be sacrificed for the greater good.Youtube Source: Fox News.

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Japan Minister Calls For New World Order

Adaptive Model of the Global World System – Club of Rome 1968

Japan’s trade and industry minister said on Thursday that a ‘new world order’ is needed to counter the rise of authoritarian regimes which have thrived in post-Cold War free trade and economic interdependence. “Authoritarian countries have amassed tremendous power, both economically and militarily,” said Yasutoshi Nishimura, Japan’s Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, adding “We must rebuild a world order based on the fundamental values of freedom, democracy, human rights and the rule of law.”

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Climate Lockdowns ‘trial’ to Begin in 2024

Prepare for ‘climate lockdowns’: Rogue British council wants to strip you of ‘freedoms and everyday liberties’ – Sky News host Rowan Dean says according to Darren Birks at the independent website Vision News, the Oxfordshire County Council is planning to embark on “climate lockdowns” in 2024. “I believe we are facing a sinister threat to the freedoms and everyday liberties that we and our parents have taken for granted all our and their lives,” Mr Dean said. “But are being squeezed out of us by woke left-wing authoritarian governments more effectively than a python crushing the breath out of Mrs Kafoops pet. “And if we don’t wake up soon and start saying no, it will be too late.” – Source.

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Great Reset: German Govt Wants to Remote Control Home Heat, Electric Car Charge

A government agency in Germany has announced a new scheme that will see power suppliers able to remotely limit home heating and electric car charging. Germany’s Federal Network Agency, a government watchdog responsible for the regulation of electricity and gas in the country, has announced a new plan that will allow power grid operators to remotely limit the use of heat pumps and electric car chargers in Germany next winter without the user’s permission. With the plans set to be put in place by January 2024, the measure has been described as a way of ensuring energy grid operators have the ability to artificially curb electricity demand should consumption outstrip supply. According to a report on the new scheme penned by Die Welt, the plan has been drawn up in response to the German energy grid being put under more and more strain by an increasing number of electric car chargers and people using more ‘environmentally friendly’ but electricity-intense heat pumps in their homes… According to a report by Politico, researchers believe that the country’s aim of having 15 million battery vehicles in operation by 2030 is ultimately a “pipe dream”, with one professor suggesting the final figure will end up being less than half that.” – Source.

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Another Pandemic Simulation Conducted – This Time The Virus Is Deadlier And Targets Children

The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security partnered with the World Health Organization and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to conduct “Catastrophic Contagion,” an exercise to simulate a global pandemic that is deadlier than the coronovirus and especially dangerous for children. Bill Gates was in attendance. The group conducted Catastrophic Contagion in Brussels, Belgium on October 23, 2022. During the simulation, the World Health Organization’s health advisory board addressed a fictional “Severe Epidemic Enterovirus Respiratory Syndrome” pandemic that originates in Brazil and disseminates across the globe. The exercise simulated a series of WHO emergency health advisory board meetings addressing a fictional pandemic set in the near future.” – Source.

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UK Prepares to Introduce a ‘Digital Pound’ Central Bank Digital Currency – Cashless Society

The de facto head of His Majesty’s Treasury announced this week that the Bank of England has begun consultations on implementing a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) that could usher in the globalist vision of a cashless society in which all transactions are traceable by the government… Hunt, an anti-Brexit, pro-China figure resurrected from the David Cameron era, said in a written statement to Parliament that the government will begin “bringing forward a consultation in the coming weeks to explore the case for a central bank digital currency – a sovereign digital pound – and consult on a potential design. “The Bank of England will also release a Technology Working Paper setting out cutting-edge technology considerations informing the potential build of a digital pound,” he added. In contrast to Bitcoin, which functions on a decentralised basis in which no single person can control its functions, ownership, or value, a CBDC would be similar to traditional fiat currency issued by a central bank, such as the Bank of England, and therefore could suffer from the same inflation issues if the central bank decided to issue more of it — like printing cash. Should a CBDC replace hard currency altogether, the government would be able to track every purchase or transaction made by the public.” – Source.

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Nigeria heading to Cashless Society

Nigeria has imposed limits on cash withdrawals in a move to push consumers towards alternatives, including its own Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), the eNaira. In a letter to banks and other financial institutions published on Tuesday, the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) applied new limits on over-the-counter withdrawals at just ₦100,000 ($225) per week for individuals and ₦500,000 ($1,123) for businesses. Taking cash out of ATMs will be capped at ₦20,000 ($45) per day, with only ₦200 ($0.45) notes and smaller denominations being available from the machines. Customers will still be able to take out larger sums in some instances but will have to pay processing fees of between 5% and 10%. The move was justified in the letter as being in line with “the Cashless policy of the CBN.” The central bank’s director of Banking Supervision Haruna B. Mustafa wrote that customers “should be encouraged to use alternative channels (internet banking, mobile banking apps, USSD cards/POS, eNaira, etc.) to conduct their banking transactions.” – Source.

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China – A “Role model” for many countries?

China: Years of Lockdown Abuses Trigger Anti-Communist Protests Nationwide. Protesters thronged the streets of cities across China over the weekend – defying a brutal crackdown from the Communist regime – to demand an end to coronavirus lockdowns and the resignation of dictator Xi Jinping. The protests quickly grew to astonishing size after an apartment building fire killed 10 people in Urumqi, the locked-down capital of occupied East Turkistan, where China is currently committing genocide against the indigenous Uyghur Muslims of the region… Protesters in the city of Guangzhou lined the streets with tents because they assumed the regime would use its dystopian “health code software” to lock them out of their homes as punishmentIf Chinese government remotely switches your health passport to code yellow, you will become homeless. Because with yellow code on your phone, you can’t go back to your apartment, stay at hotel, take any public transport… trouble to get food too.” – Source.

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Pope Calls for his Socialist Agenda

Pope Francis said the need to reform the United Nations was “more than obvious” after the Covid-19 pandemic and the Ukraine war exposed its limits, in an extract of his new book published Sunday. The Argentine pontiff said Russia’s February invasion of Ukraine highlighted the need to ensure the current multilateral structure — especially the UN Security Council — finds “more agile and effective ways of resolving conflicts”. “In wartime, it is essential to affirm that we need more multilateralism and a better multilateralism,” but the UN is no longer fit for “new realities”, he added in an extract published by La Stampa daily. The organisation was founded to prevent the horrors of two World Wars from happening again, but although the threat represented by those conflicts was still alive, “today’s world is no longer the same”, said Francis. “The necessity of these reforms became more than obvious after the pandemic” when the current multilateral system “showed all its limits”, he added. Francis denounced the unequal distribution of vaccines as a “glaring example” of the law of the strongest prevailing over solidarity. The 85-year-old advocated “organic reforms” aimed at allowing international organisations to rediscover their essential purpose of “serving the human family” and said international institutions must be the result of the “widest possible consensus”. The pope also proposed guaranteeing food, health, economic and social rights on which international institutions would base their decisions. – SOURCE.

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Climate change documentary features Pope Francis

Pope Francis is featured in a documentary film on climate change and the environment that premiered at the Vatican on Tuesday. “The Letter,” which can be streamed for free on YouTube Originals starting Oct. 4, follows a climate activist, an indigenous leader, a climate refugee, and married marine biologists as they travel from their corners of the world to the Vatican to speak to Pope Francis… The inspiration for the documentary’s title was taken from the word “encyclical,” which is used for certain papal messages and literally means “circular letter.” The title refers to Pope Francis’ 2015 encyclical Laudato si… “The film ‘The Letter’ highlights the key concept of dialogue,” he said. “Dialogue is central to the Holy Father’s vision for humanity’s peace with the Creator, with all creation, and among us humans.” Hoesung Lee, chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, said at the press conference that the film “is a timely reminder of the urgency and importance of Laudato si’.” “Both the science community and the faith community are very clear: the planet is in crisis and its life support system [is] in peril. The stakes have never been higher, and we should be the source of the solution to this crisis,” he added. – SOURCE.

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