A Seventh-day Adventist drag queen in TV show. Watch:
Continue readingCategory: Worldliness
Drag Performer at Vatican’s World Children’s Day

The Vatican enjoys various forms of entertainment such as circuses and now drag show. A drag show involves cross-dressing for entertainment usually seen in the gay bars and nightclubs.
A gay-friendly drag queens and kings are also encouraged in public schools, in television shows, in the military, and even in different mainstream churches, as well as the apostate SDA church (scroll down to “DRAG BRUNCH FUNDRAISER”), where homosexual lifestyle is now the accepted norm.
Continue reading‘Christian’ Nightclub?! Not Cool Don’t Be Fooled

AP News headline read on March 2, 2024, “No twerking. No drinking. No smoking. But plenty of room for Jesus at this Christian nightclub.” It goes on to say that “The young crowd at a Nashville nightclub was ready to dance under the strobe lights to a throbbing mix of hip-hop, rap and Latin beats. But first they gathered to pray and praise God.”
Continue reading‘Blasphemy’ in Jesus Super Bowl Ad

On February 11, 2024, the news reported that “During one of the early commercial breaks during the 2024 Super Bowl, Come Near aired its ad featuring scenes of people of all sorts washing someone’s feet in emulation of Jesus. But many felt the ad completely missed the Biblical point. The ad was to highlight HeGetsUs.Com… However, many on social media felt the ad was “blasphemous” and did not actually represent the lesson Jesus was attempting to impart to his followers at all.”
Continue reading“Another Jesus”? meet AI Jesus

An AI program is pretending to be Jesus and thousands of lost young people are flocking to it, according to WND news … At least one of those deceivers is turning out to be an AI called “ask_jesus.” … The chatbot, referred to as “AI Jesus,” has the appearance of a bearded white man with a radiant halo and utilizes artificial intelligence reportedly trained on the teachings of Jesus and the Bible.
Operating under the Twitch channel name “ask_jesus,” the live stream has amassed a following of over 36,000 devoted users. Viewers are encouraged to pose their questions to the “AI Jesus,” who responds with gestures and answers, providing advice on topics ranging from gaming to relationships. The chatbot has the ability to remember previous interactions with the user which gives it a false sense of omniscience.
Continue readingSDA Apostasy: Adventist-Catholics, Lawsuits, and Worldliness

The Vatican flag was flown at the Seventh-day Adventist’s (SDA) 61st General Conference (GC) Session in St Louis, Missouri (MO) on June 11. While some church folk are okay with it and have offered stout defence, other members of the church are raising a red flag against the Vatican flag. A vibrant discussion continues to take place across all social media platforms.” – SOURCE.
Continue reading‘Especially Important for Churches’ to Celebrate Gay Pride according to Jesuit priest

ROME — LGBT advocate Father James Martin, SJ, said Thursday that churches have a special duty to celebrate Gay Pride, since much anti-gay violence has been “motivated by religion.”… “The Catechism of the Catholic Church asks us to treat LGBTQ people with respect, compassion, and sensitivity,” he notes. “And participating in Pride events, or at least supporting our LGBTQ friends is one way to do this.” Celebrating Pride “doesn’t mean you have to agree with what every video, every article, or even every float in a parade has to say,” he cautions. “It’s more about supporting the fundamental human rights of this community: the right to live in safety, the right to be treated as equals, and the right to be fully welcomed in the society.” – Source.
Continue readingNew Research: Majority of U.S. parents do not believe Bible is God’s word

A prominent Evangelical researcher has warned that the lack of a biblical worldview among parents of preteens puts youth at a “spiritual disadvantage.” The George Barna-led Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University released the first report of its American Worldview Inventory 2022 Tuesday, which analyzed “the worldview dilemma of American parents.” … Although some parents are “aware the child’s worldview is being developed,” Barna said they may “choose or allow outsiders to accomplish that duty on the parent’s behalf.” “Shockingly few parents intentionally speak to their children about beliefs and behavior based upon a biblical worldview,” Barna said. “Perhaps the most powerful worldview lesson parents provide is through their own behavior, yet our studies consistently indicate that parental choices generally do not reflect biblical principles or an intentionally Christian approach to life.” The research concluded that American parents’ views about the Bible play a role in the group’s widespread absence of a biblical worldview. Specifically, nearly six out of 10 parents surveyed do not see the Bible as a “reliable and accurate source of God’s truth,” while just 40% view the Bible as “God’s accurate words for humanity.” – SOURCE.
Continue readingDrugged-Up Clubber Suddenly Realizes She’s In Church Worship Service
AUSTIN, TX—After a 12-hour, drug-fueled night of club hopping, local party girl Jenny Wilson suddenly came down off her high to realize she was just in the middle of a local church’s worship set Sunday morning.
According to sources, at around 8 a.m. Wilson had told an Uber driver to take her to The Gathering, a dance club downtown—but the driver instead dropped her off at a church with the same name, which was just beginning its early service. As Wilson saw the fog billowing out of the sanctuary and the laser lights dancing around the room, she figured she was in the right place and began getting her dance on. Continue reading
Oliver Stone links Pokémon Go to totalitarianism during privacy debate
Film director Oliver Stone has branded the popular gaming app Pokémon Go a “new level of invasion” of privacy that could lead to “totalitarianism”.
The American reportedly voiced concerns over the game as he promoted his new movie about NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden at Comic-Con International. Continue reading