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Pope Francis warns Trump: ‘Populism is evil’

pope-francis“Pope Francis has warned in an interview with a German newspaper of the dangers of rising populism in western democracies. The pope told Die Zeit on Thursday “populism is evil and ends badly as the past century showed.” He also said he rejects any kind of cult around the papacy and that he’s a normal believer just like everyone else.” –Source

First off this Jesuit Pope aka prophesied man of sin stated that “populism is evil.” And do you know why he says that? You may be a bit shocked in this because he is banking on the “dumbing down” of the masses to slip this one by as well as having hope the elite that do understand will circle the wagons for him. But for some of you that may not know what that word “populism” means, I will define it for you.   Continue reading

Jesuits at Georgetown University Lying for the Muslim Brotherhood!

MB-Motto“A Georgetown professor has penned a column in the Washington Post saying the Muslim Brotherhood does not exist in America and even if it did, it’s an entirely peaceful organization. In an op-ed titled “Calling the Muslim Brotherhood a Terrorist Organization Would Hurt All American Muslims,” Professor Arjun Singh Sethi says that “the Brotherhood disavowed violence long ago.” Groups such as the Council on American-Islamic Relations or CAIR, the Islamic Society of North America or ISNA and Muslim Student Association or MSA have “no connection to it,” according to Sethi, even though the connections have been documented by countless other scholars, FBI officials and investigative journalists. He also tries to discredit the much-quoted “Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America,” authored by Brotherhood member Mohamed Akram. “This memorandum, of which there is only one known copy, has been widely discredited and called a fantasy,” Sethi writes.” –Source

One would think that him being a Professor he would have done just a tad bit more research before publishing such folderol any journalist wannabe could research out in their kitchen on any cellphone to find the real truth on this. But being a Professor in a Vatican funded Jesuit University one has to realize the power behind the comment and so the demographic research would have to be looked at to assure a positive outcome on all this before releasing such a statement. The numbers are there and they knew before going to press that the majority in the nation, and those Soros and Rome pay to riot in the streets, are the type of sheeple anyone with viable gray matter knows to be morally unstable to the point they would switch sides at the drop of a dime; or maybe a bulging promised bag of bitcoins, (perhaps 30?) and so they needed to make sure the to appeal to employed rioters would believe such comments as we see this Professor sharing. I mean after all, they don’t want to upset the pawns unless they can profit by their ill repute en masse; and one can rest assured martial law can be quite profitable for those in power. Especially those that purchased nationally sized portions of dry goods they can sell at puffed up prices when the store shelves go empty. (BTW: For those that don’t think Soros is working with Catholics, click here)

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Prominent Jesuit priest tweets support for transgender bathrooms to 100k followers

P1110320_810_500_55_s_c1One of the most well-known Jesuit priests in the United States tweeted his support of boys using the girls’ bathroom and vice versa.

Father James Martin is the editor-at-large of America magazine and has a large social media presence. In November, he accepted an award from New Ways Ministry, a dissident group that has been condemned by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and the U.S. Catholic bishops. During his lengthy acceptance speech, he said the Church should embrace homosexuality’s “special gifts.”   Continue reading

Christian Scientist Predicts Jesus Will Return in Three Weeks

jesus-is-coming-sign“A Christian computer scientist predicted that, based on her calculations and analysis of the 70 “sevens” prophecy mentioned in the book of Daniel, the return of Jesus to earth is imminent—and it won’t even reach 2017. Nora Roth, a self-proclaimed Bible student, said the second coming of Christ will happen in three weeks, specifically on New Year’s Eve. Her findings, written on her blog “The Mark of the Beast,” are based on the biblical pattern of following the sabbath. Roth cited that God mandated the seventh day of the week to be the sabbath day. He also instructed the Israelites to observe the sabbath year or sabbatical year, which is the seventh year of the seven-year agricultural cycle.” –Source

She then proceeds to twist the daylights (literally) out of Scripture so as to preach and uplift light-less Vatican dogma first preached by the Jesuits of Rome when it comes to a secret rapture, seven year trib theory as well as the so called 1000 years of peace on earth. Which was actually the way Satan was able to get most Jews 2000 years ago to reject the Lord Jesus Christ as Messiah. They expected a muscle bound warrior who was to end Roman rule and take over the world wherein the Jews would reign with Him as priests and prophets. Seeing how they fell for it then, Satan is using the exact same lie today with a slight twist to it.   Continue reading

Trump’s Jesuit Transition Team

hqdefault“Three sources from different conservative groups said that Heritage employees have been soliciting, stockpiling and vetting résumés for months with an eye on stacking Trump’s administration with conservative appointees across the government. One source described the efforts as a “shadow transition team” and “an effort to have the right kind of people in there. …Ultimately, Trump won 81 percent of the evangelical vote, a higher percentage than even George W. Bush — himself a devout born-again Christian earned in 2004. Part of the reason the list made such a splash was because Heritage and DeMint are hugely influential in deeply conservative circles, often appearing at the nexus of conservative power structures. …It will be as exciting as the 1930s, greater than the Reagan revolution — conservatives, plus populists, in an economic nationalist movement. And daylight between traditionally conservative policy prescriptions and some of Trump’s campaign rhetoric is especially apparent on the issue of foreign policy.” –Source

As many are aware, Trump attended Jesuit owned and operated Fordham University in the Bronx in his early days. So he has already been well-trained on Vatican politics from day one, and this is besides the fact that most see him as only a narcissistic businessman. But look around.. how many people are allowed to become multibillionaires in this world without first being approached by Rome or at the very least born into a family that is already “on the books?” None that I know of. And so one can expect that after decades of making money hand over fist as well as making deals with all sorts of people the world over, be they trustworthy or not. After seeing how well ecumenical compromise has paid off for him so far, would he at this stage in the game decide not to continue to play ball after seeing how well the game has been? What I mean is, after hearing Pope emeritus Benedict XIV aka Ratzinger proclaim a vote for Democrat means you’re hell-bound, suggests their long groomed man made it into the Oval Office after all. (Click here for the Pope’s letter penned back in 2004 that was pushed into the media the week of the election.)

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Hillary Clinton’s running mate is a Jesuit trained Catholic

(RNS) Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton announced Tim Kaine, the junior Democratic senator from Virginia and former governor of that state, as her vice presidential running mate Friday (July 22).

Kaine, a Roman Catholic, will appear with Clinton, a Methodist, at next week’s Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia.

Here are five faith facts about the new vice presidential candidate.

1. He was taught by Jesuits.

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