Islamopower: Meet the new Muslim PAC

Jetpac-founder-Mazen“A new organization called Jetpac Inc. is mobilizing to get more Muslims elected to public office in U.S. cities and states, but an investigation into the founder’s background reveals ties to the extremist Muslim Brotherhood, which has been hard at work trying to influence American politics since the 1990s. The first Muslim elected to a national office was Rep. Keith Ellison, who was elected in 2006 to represent a heavily Democratic district in Minnesota. He was sworn into office with his hand on the Quran, and that singular act opened a world of possibilities for other politically minded Muslims.” –Source

One of the things I love about being a student of prophecy is that confirmation always makes the heart experience hope as well as an increase in faith when we see that which the Lord told us will happen actually come to fruition exactly as He stated. For decades we have been warning people about a Muslim infiltration in America that as students of prophecy we knew was solely due to the Vatican’s long prophesied agenda to bring about a way to enforce religious laws in America that will see the 30,000+ guillotines come out of mothballs.   Continue reading