All these prophecies HAVE fulfilled (part 1)

Credit: Blog from Presents of God ministry

Why isn’t YOUR pastor sharing these prophecies with you and your loved ones?

As I did in a previous post wherein I shared that the steps have already been taken to enforce the MARK, I will summarize each topic, which in this case are numerous prophecies and then supply a link to a more in depth look at the fulfillment as well as additional info regarding same.

  • The Great Tribulation

This prophesied event has been twisted by nearly every preacher out there today, and in most cases they are completely unaware that in so doing they’re helping to hide the truth about the real great tribulation that Jesus spoke of that exposes the Vatican and its bloodthirsty Popes during a 1260 year blood soaked rampage. Since all the world wonders after the beast today, most preachers are taught by stealthily placed Vatican prelates in the seminaries and bible colleges as the Jesuit oath admits was a Vatican agenda all along so as to move the ministerial students to not only trust false prophecies that hide the historic facts regarding the man of sin in Rome, it also caused all of them to repeat these falsehoods for decades from every church pulpit thinking they were doing the right thing.

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Steps Have Been Taken to Enforce the MARK

Credit: Blog from Presents of God ministry

First off, when you read this blog post you will know why I haven’t uploaded in over a week. This post took some time to compile and even though it’s a bit long, it is nowhere near as big as it can be. Reason being is that many prophecies have been fulfilled the last decade or so and especially the last few years proving we are living in the last hours of earth’s history. Our Lord, Saviour Creator and King Jesus is VERY soon in coming. In that I have much peace and joy deep within contemplating His soon return while at the same time much sadness as I know most people alive today have no desire to make their paths straight for the coming of the Lord. Sadder more is that many of them claim to be Christians.

That being the case, and with the hope this will help some get ready for the return of Christ, I am going to share in a summarized manner some of all that’s happening proving all we see is a purposely orchestrated series of events that are for the most part are taking place simultaneously so as to keep the majority of people confused and this especially includes Christians who have allowed the world to distract them to the point they are no longer serious about Bible study.

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Commandments Ignored in New Testament – FOR A REASON

Credit: Blog from Presents of God ministry

Sadly, as we look around we see that most churches today ignore the Ten Commandments that are clearly listed in the New Testament for a sinister reason.

As prophesied, many wolves and false prophets stand on pulpits today wherein Satan can use their strange theology to cultivate the many scoffers and skeptics that learn from them all over the world. They all believe the Law was abolished at the cross even though Jesus clearly said in Matthew 5:18 that nary a speck of His Law will pass away till heaven and earth pass and all is fulfilled. With that said, I must ask, is heaven above and the earth beneath still here? Have all prophecies been fulfilled wherein we are currently in the city of Heaven? No? Then this means His Law is still binding no matter what the false preachers are saying. 

Some may wonder, why is the devil using the pastors and politicians to force people into thinking the Law of God is not something we have to obey? It’s because Christian prophecy says he’s going to use God’s Law as a way to con billions into worshiping him, (See Isaiah 14:12-14) while at the same time cause those billions of deceived souls to openly mock the Lord Jesus Christ in what prophecy calls the enforcement of the mark of the beast.

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Climate change documentary features Pope Francis

Pope Francis is featured in a documentary film on climate change and the environment that premiered at the Vatican on Tuesday. “The Letter,” which can be streamed for free on YouTube Originals starting Oct. 4, follows a climate activist, an indigenous leader, a climate refugee, and married marine biologists as they travel from their corners of the world to the Vatican to speak to Pope Francis… The inspiration for the documentary’s title was taken from the word “encyclical,” which is used for certain papal messages and literally means “circular letter.” The title refers to Pope Francis’ 2015 encyclical Laudato si… “The film ‘The Letter’ highlights the key concept of dialogue,” he said. “Dialogue is central to the Holy Father’s vision for humanity’s peace with the Creator, with all creation, and among us humans.” Hoesung Lee, chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, said at the press conference that the film “is a timely reminder of the urgency and importance of Laudato si’.” “Both the science community and the faith community are very clear: the planet is in crisis and its life support system [is] in peril. The stakes have never been higher, and we should be the source of the solution to this crisis,” he added. – SOURCE.

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Proof: Pope is Behind Covid19

We now have even more evidence that the Pope of Rome, the prophesied man of sin himself is behind all the Covid 19 lockdowns as well as all the main stream news media outlets that are pushing this now overwhelmingly proven plandemic.

Back in April of 2018 I made a 2 minute video showing how all the Television Networks used the exact same script to try and indoctrinate the public that they weren’t fake news so as to combat the reality they were outed as such. What they didn’t realize is, people keep track of this stuff now. The fact they all used the exact same script to defend themselves proved hands down that they were in fact fake news.

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The MASK to MARK agenda unveiled

Let me know if you see what I see here. As I have been saying for some time now, the mask is nothing more than a way to cultivate the mindset of the people to accept the mark of the beast worldwide. And for those that want all the prophecies along with every single symbol defined in the prophecy about the mark including what it means when it says right hand and forehead, see my the mark of the beast page wherein I have an in depth study as well as quite a few videos on this. But check this out…

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It’s never been easier to trust in Jesus!

First and foremost, notice the pic on the left. Even the secular world sees this now. This means that we were 100% right! The Covid-19 PLANNED-demic was nothing more than a test that will bring on the Pope’s prophesied climate change agenda to enforce the mark of the beast! What’s so sad is that I know of not a single SDA leader who saw this coming. In fact, the SDA President said on camera that Sunday laws are not in the pipeline!

Please keep the dear SDA people in prayer. As prophesied in Scripture and SOP, their leaders are leading them away from Christ. (Email me for the proof)

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The Pope, BITCOIN & Mark of the Beast



On December 21, 2019 the Pope said that ‘Christendom no longer exists. He then declared “new ways of evangelizing are necessary.”

In other words, a Vatican approved “new and improved” Jesus will now be proclaimed worldwide so as to hide the truth about what prophecy says is next to occur. To confirm this, we see just two days after the Pope lied about Christianity’s demise, the Vatican announced that, “Pope Francis Unveils Globalist New World Religion at Summit with United Nations Leader.”  Even a blind man could have seen that coming.

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Pope: Jesus Christ is INSANE


Please bear with me on this for a moment as I need to set the foundation of this article by sharing something from Hebrews 9:14-18 to help the Bible believing obedient babes in Christ see the truth in this. It says, “How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?  15  And for this cause he is the mediator of the new testament, that by means of death, for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the first testament, they which are called might receive the promise of eternal inheritance.  16  For where a testament is, there must also of necessity be the death of the testator.  17  For a testament is of force after men are dead: otherwise it is of no strength at all while the testator liveth.  18  Whereupon neither the first testament was dedicated without blood.”

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Pope Honors Pagan fire god of Child Sacrifice!


As we know, the Vatican has been promoting Paganism for centuries, and rightly so as prophecy does declare in graphic detail that a religion would come to power in the last days under a church and state banner wherein the Pagan gods of Babylon would be uplifted and merged into Christianity. I mean seriously, some would not believe how many Bible verses there are that touch on this. And now that we are in the last days right before Jesus returns, the dying god of Rome can no longer afford to hide his agenda behind closed doors as he has little time left to work. And so today we even have Vatican prelates admitting in writing that they do in fact embrace the Pagan gods of Babylon just as our Christian God prophesied they would. Check just a few of many Vatican statements regarding all this.

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