What I am about to share is just a smattering of what’s in the booklet titled “Reviving the Original Spirit of Prophecy Writings.” The booklet consists of 79 pages that boldly exposes every Seventh Day Adventist leader standing as a GC leader, pastor or evangelist today. In these 79 pages you will find all sorts of rock hard evidence that you can see with your very own eyes that the SDA church is no longer being guided by Christian leaders that love the Lord and His truth for these last days. It is now and has been for many decades pursposely working to forward the long prophesied agenda of the man of sin in Rome. And I can prove it.
Because this booklet is 79 pages and each page is 8.5 X 11, I cannot possibly cover everything it contains in this video. But I will share a few things that will hopefully move every SDA to go to vbates.com and get this book for themselves so as to have the facts they need to do the right thing and get out of that apostate church before it’s way too late for them to do anything. In the pages of this book you will find that the Seventh Day Adventist leaders in the 1800’s changed the books to hide powerful Christian truths without sister White’s approval and even against her advice at times and the current SDA leaders specifically use these very same edited books to this day to keep their people in the dark on such things.
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