SUNday worship is never for Christians

A religious news headline on November 24, 2024, stated that “The significance of Sunday worship for Christians.” It goes on to say that “The tradition of Sunday worship finds its origins in the Bible and early Christian practices. According to the New Testament, Jesus Christ rose from the dead on a Sunday, an event celebrated as the Resurrection. This made Sunday, often referred to as the “Lord’s Day,” a sacred occasion for Christians to gather and commemorate the foundation of their faith.”

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Ecumenical Priestbot

A news headline on November 3, 2024 reported that “AI Chatbots are the new priests, An acronym for Churchy Answers That Help You, Cathy is a new AI chatbot that answers faith-based questions from the perspective of a friendly, knowledgeable Episcopalian. Despite its feminine name, the “priestbot,” as Cathy sometimes calls itself, is genderless. There are no ornate flowing robes or croziers, either. But like a wise cleric, Cathy jumped right in with an answer… Developed and funded by the ecumenical group TryTank Research Institute, Cathy uses large language models from OpenAI’s ChatGPT and has ingested the Book of Common Prayer and the entire Episcopal Church website… Cathy is designed to “translate” the Bible into relatable language geared toward younger audiences. It can also serve as a tool for priests by helping them build sermon outlines… Cathy is far from the only faith-based bot — many denominations are experimenting with generative AI. There’s Text With Jesus, Buddhabot, Chatbot Eli, Gita GPT, and QuranGPT, to name a few.”

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Transgender ‘pastor’ claims the Bible wasn’t written for today.

When asked about the Bible’s clear definition of male and female and how God made them, “male and female,” a transgender pastor said on October 3, 2024:

“It’s hard to relate it to modern-day times because it wasn’t written for 2024. It was written for then. When we read in the scripture that God created man and woman, yes, and God created everyone else, as well,” Watch:

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Drag Performer at Vatican’s World Children’s Day

The Vatican enjoys various forms of entertainment such as circuses and now drag show. A drag show involves cross-dressing for entertainment usually seen in the gay bars and nightclubs.

A gay-friendly drag queens and kings are also encouraged in public schools, in television shows, in the military, and even in different mainstream churches, as well as the apostate SDA church (scroll down to “DRAG BRUNCH FUNDRAISER”), where homosexual lifestyle is now the accepted norm.

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Pope: We do not learn things from Jesus

On February 3, 2024, the Vatican News reported that “Pope Francis meets with Spanish seminarians from Madrid, and encourages men preparing for the priesthood to draw their inspiration from Christ in prayer.” But notice what the pope’s remarks to the seminarians when he said, “From Jesus we do not learn things. We welcome Him; we cling to Him, to be able to bring Him to others.”

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