“The Obama administration’s desire for a universal health-care system soon may be fulfilled – in Bangladesh. It is there that U.S. taxpayers potentially face an initial $90 million “investment” solely to design such a system. …The administration through USAID expressed a commitment to help the government of Bangladesh, or GOB, achieve its objective of providing UHC by 2032. The agency acknowledged, however, that several obstacles stand in the way attaining that goal – including a GOB trend of spending proportionally less money each year on health care for Bangladeshis.” –Source
Some of you may recall a 3 minute video I made back in December of 2013 titled “Obamacare = International tool to enforce mark of the beast.” I outlined some facts regarding the involvement of the World Bank president and why an international banker would be interested in Obamacare. I also mention the video I made 5 days earlier titled “Guillotines in Obamacare” in that video as well and yes, that one got many more hits than the one about the mark of the beast because as Rome knows, most people could care less about their eternal lives. They only care about the flesh and what it has to offer on a day to day basis. That’s why the video about the guillotines has 11,366 bits to date wherein the other video made just 5 days later only has 1497 hits. Basic reality of this end tome society is that most people today don’t want to hear about the prophesied truths of the Bible. And yes, that too was prophesied. Notice what it says in Isaiah…
- Isaiah 30:8-11, “Now go, write it before them in a table, and note it in a book, that it may be for the time to come for ever and ever: That this is a rebellious people, lying children, children that will not hear the law of the LORD: Which say to the seers, See not; and to the prophets, Prophesy not unto us right things, speak unto us smooth things, prophesy deceits: Get you out of the way, turn aside out of the path, cause the Holy One of Israel to cease from before us.”
This is also why the prosperity churches that preach churchianity are bulging at the seams with 20,000+ seats each and every Roman Sabbath. They give the people what they want to hear instead of what they need to hear. They preach a hope in money and preservation of their finances instead of salvation and preservation of their very lives. Their preachertainers are never going to preach what the Bible says because if they do the pews will empty and with those emptying pews comes emptying pockets for the pastor. But as I have been preaching for decades, Satan knows all about the already begun loud cry and how it will cause many more people riding the fence to eventually leave those apostate churches when the truth is made very clear about the signs of the times and the Christian fruit of obedience to God’s Law. And so his 501c3 invention of 1954 under Lyndon Johnson that was “given life” in 2006 was put in place so as to tighten the noose around the “government approved” preacher’s neck. When those pews start to grow cold with a lack of previously mesmerized souls with pockets filled with the tithe, every single one of the government pastors will use their politically granted powers as Trump spoke of in a recent speech to pass laws to try and shut us up and as prophesied they will gather as one againstthe people of God.
These wolves have no clue as to the prophetic events unfolding right before their very eyes and this is why back in 2013 when I showed in that video how Obamacare wasn’t at all about insuring the sick as much as it was about having an international means by which to use what’s in the writing of the law to be able to globally enforcethe mark. And now that Obama is openly speaking about using Obamacare as it was written by Rome in Bangladesh, perhaps some will finally start to realize how accurate Christian prophecy can be. In this I pray often.
Additional Articles Confirming we are in the Last Days:
Pope’s GREEN SABBATH DAY site is up and running as expected! * VIDEO: Coups, counter-coups rage within American government * VIDEO: NYPD Sergeant Fatally Shot in Head, Another Wounded: Officials * VIDEO: Officials: SA cop fired for attempting to feed fecal sandwich to homeless person * VIDEO: BBQ collected for needy thrown out, covered in bleach * Louisiana Supremes: Priests don’t have to report sexual abuse * More US middle school students dying of suicide than car crashes *VIDEO: Teacher resigns after allegedly spitting on special needs student * POLICE STATES USA: Department of Justice Awards $119 Million to Hire Community Policing Officers * Georgian Orthodox Church leaders snub Pope Francis visit * VIDEO: Exclusive: Vatican and China in final push for elusive deal on bishops * VIDEO: ‘Trump won’t be permitted to win‘ – Assange interview with John Pilger