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VIDEO: US Embassy to move the Jerusalem?

jerusalem“Friday on CNN’s “New Day,” New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman criticized President-elect Donald Trump’s pick for U.S. ambassador to Israel David Friedman. Among the complaints Thomas Friedman had about the pick was David Friedman support of moving the U.S. embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Such a gesture would upset many of the actors in the Middle East according to Thomas Friedman.” –Source

First of all I hate this when news reporters do this; but at least here we have somewhat of a confirmation of facts. What I mean is, notice how the reporter states right off in the video that the issue at hand has to do with “moving the Capital to Jerusalem.” They didn’t show previous comments and they certainly never repeated that statement throughout the clip. And then we see the comments that follow are all about moving the American Embassy to Jerusalem.   Continue reading

Should Uncle Sam Mandate Church Attendance?

i-want-you1“A recent study has found that women who attended a religious service more than once per week had with a 33% lower risk of death compared with women who had never attended religious services. That’s huge.  According to Obamacare logic, we should seriously consider mandating that every American attend church every week. …But if forcing people to have coverage to save lives makes sense, then why not force them to go to church? Think about it: Obamacare forces every American to have health insurance and then tries to soften the blow of that mandate by heavily subsidizing coverage for those with the lowest incomes. In 2016, CBO estimates the federal government will spend $5,000 in subsidies for each uninsured person who gains coverage. Even if we believed the best-possible-case figures from the Massachusetts health reform–i.e., that expanded coverage reduced mortality risk by 30%– mandatory church attendance still would produce slightly greater mortality gains without requiring any taxpayer subsidies . In short, we could have all of the purported health benefits of Obamacare without incurring any of its costs!” –Source

Yes, the man writing the article is being quite sarcastic as well as having a little fun with the strange logic that runs through the political mind, but he does have a point here that most (himself included) my miss. First off it’s clear, the numbers don’t lie. So if they were to mandate church attendance as he jokingly suggests; and seeing how money rules the government AND the churches, it is a plausible outcome no matter how ridiculous it may seem to some. Still, even if he doesn’t realize it, it will happen. But not so much in the way he assumes.   Continue reading

Pedophile dies after cathedral concert attack

a4efefc92f94c4f83cb62222bc31818bed0985eb“A convicted pedophile has died after being badly beaten during a concert he was performing in a cathedral near Buenos Aires, attacked by parents from a preschool where he had allegedly molested children, a priest said. Marcelo Fabian Pecollo, a music teacher and trumpeter with the Moron city orchestra, was sentenced in 2010 to 30 years in prison for molesting five preschool children. He was freed in 2014 after a sentence reduction.” –Source

First and foremost, killing the man in a mob scene is most assuredly not the Christian way to handle this at all But since this is the Roman Catholic Cathedral de Moron wherein being under Vatican rule everything from abortion,Satanism and burning your neighbors homes down for refusing to partake in drunken festivals is deemed acceptable; one can expect the norm to be a violent outcome towards anyone that has “wronged” them.   Continue reading

Religion drives skepticism about evolution, but not climate change

feature-3(RNS) While rejection of evolution is strongly associated with Americans’ religiosity, the same is not true of climate change.

That’s the conclusion of a new study that sought to test popular assumptions about the link between religion and anti-science attitudes, and determine whether that link holds true for people’s views on both evolution and climate change.

The exception to this finding is evangelical Protestants.In a recent edition of the journal Environment and Behavior, Rice University sociologist Elaine Howard Ecklund and her colleagues write that while religious views drive Americans’ rejection of evolution, skepticism about climate change is more a function of political views and lack of confidence in the work of scientists.  Continue reading

Saudi woman who faced death threats for removing hijab could get lashed instead

1481651208519A young woman who received death threats after going out without her full-body dress in Saudi Arabia now faces being lashed after she was arrested.

The woman, identified as Malak Al Shehri, shared a photograph of herself without a hijab or abaya – a traditional body covering – on a street in the capital city of Riyadh.

Al Shehri sparked fury on social media after she went out in public in the conservative capital, with some even calling for her execution.   Continue reading

Al Gore meets Donald Trump and Ivanka for climate talks

_92838350_gettyimages-627821290Former Vice President Al Gore has met President-elect Donald Trump and his daughter Ivanka Trump to discuss climate policy.

The meeting “was a sincere search for areas of common ground,” said Mr Gore, a climate change activist.

During his presidential campaign, Mr Trump called man-made climate change a “hoax” perpetuated by China.

His daughter Ivanka reportedly wants to make the subject one of her signature issues.

It is unclear what role she will have in her father’s administration, but he had said that his children would take over his global business interests.

All three of Mr Trump’s adult children are serving on his transition team.   Continue reading

Nativity Scene Could Offend Muslims, Priest Says

gettyimages-78643212-640x480“A priest in Italy has caused uproar after announcing there would be no Christmas nativity scene at the local cemetery this year because it could offend Muslims and atheists. Fr Sante Braggiè said there would be no crib in the cemetery in the northern city of Cremona because it may anger people of others faiths or none whose relatives are buried there. …The local chief of the conservative Lega Nord, Pietro Burgazzi, also said: “I hope the decision not to put up a crib was not ideological, but hearing the criticisms it seems that it was.” –Source

It amazes me to no end how quick Roman Catholic priests are to bow down to Satan in refusing to share Jesus with anyone outside the Catholic church. Now, before you email me with eyebrows still firmly raised in surprise, no I am not declaring the Roman Catholic church is a Christian church. I have overwhelming evidence on more than 12,000 pages (if printed) of this website that it is by no means a Christian church. (Sorry Mr & Mrs Catholic, there’s just no easy way to say that) And no I am not saying Christmas is a Christian holy-day either. As many already know, I have a ton of evidence that Christmas is 100% Pagan. Just looking at the picture on the left with the Pagan stained glass window in the so called stable shows it promotes Paganism. I mean seriously, when was the last time anyone saw a window, let alone a stained glass window in a stable? It was placed there for a reason. (See more about Paganism in the church of Rome here)  Continue reading

NASA provides two views of former Tropical Cyclone Vardah

8-nasaprovidesNASA satellite data provided a look at the cloud cover and rainfall rates within Tropical Cyclone Vardah. The Global Precipitation Measurement mission or GPM core satellite measured rainfall rates as Vardah was headed for landfall. After landfall, NASA-NOAA’s Suomi NPP satellite captured an image of the storm’s cloud cover as it weakened to a remnant low pressure area over southern India.

 On Dec. 13 at 3:24 a.m. EST (0824 UTC) the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) instrument aboard NASA-NOAA’s Suomi NPP satellite provided a visible-light image of the Vardah’s remnants over southern India.

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Christian Scientist Predicts Jesus Will Return in Three Weeks

jesus-is-coming-sign“A Christian computer scientist predicted that, based on her calculations and analysis of the 70 “sevens” prophecy mentioned in the book of Daniel, the return of Jesus to earth is imminent—and it won’t even reach 2017. Nora Roth, a self-proclaimed Bible student, said the second coming of Christ will happen in three weeks, specifically on New Year’s Eve. Her findings, written on her blog “The Mark of the Beast,” are based on the biblical pattern of following the sabbath. Roth cited that God mandated the seventh day of the week to be the sabbath day. He also instructed the Israelites to observe the sabbath year or sabbatical year, which is the seventh year of the seven-year agricultural cycle.” –Source

She then proceeds to twist the daylights (literally) out of Scripture so as to preach and uplift light-less Vatican dogma first preached by the Jesuits of Rome when it comes to a secret rapture, seven year trib theory as well as the so called 1000 years of peace on earth. Which was actually the way Satan was able to get most Jews 2000 years ago to reject the Lord Jesus Christ as Messiah. They expected a muscle bound warrior who was to end Roman rule and take over the world wherein the Jews would reign with Him as priests and prophets. Seeing how they fell for it then, Satan is using the exact same lie today with a slight twist to it.   Continue reading

VIDEO: Amazon’s ‘Pandora’s box’ an attack on personal privacy (Enforcing the MARK)

amazon-go-store-in-seattle“For some, it’s a dream come true: The ability to walk into a grocery store, grab anything you want off the shelves, and simply walk out. There’s no need to wait in line at a busy cash register. Your bank account will be automatically debited when you leave the store. It’s magical. …So the day is coming when people will be able to pull up to cashier-less stores in their driverless car, leaving their cashless wallet at home. All they will need is their smartphone and Amazon’s new app, called Amazon Go. The first Amazon Go pilot store is already open to the company’s employees in Seattle and it will open to the public in January. …While super convenient, Wood and others are cautioning to let the buyer beware. What you gain in convenience, you will lose in privacy.” –Source

Still think a cashless society is impossible? With this new app and literal storefront, you don’t even need to have your credit card on hand. Your cell phone is all you need! You just walk into the store with the phone and it tracks your every move and everything you literally pick up off the shelf so that when you walk out of the store your bank account can be instantly debited with whatever you purchased!   Continue reading