Lutheran Church Bans God’s gender

sweden“The Church of Sweden is urging its clergy to use gender-neutral language when referring to the supreme deity, refraining from using terms like “Lord” and “He” in favor of the less specific “God.” –Source

This is how far the insanity of the homosexual movement which was started by the Vatican years ago has spun off so as to both mock the God of creation, as well as normalize whatever the flesh lusts after. Those of us that have eyes to see and common sense to stand firm in the truth know they can make all the strange claims they want about the Word of God or even basic reality for that matter. All it’s doing is confirming end time prophecy regarding how easily some so called Christians are used by Satan to mock the Creator God. Even a babe in Christ can open a Bible to find the Lord is referred to as Him, He, His and even Father cover to cover in the Bible. But because we know Rome has also declared in writing many times how much they hate the Bible and the Author of it; one has to expect such spiritual insanity as this coming from them and those they control. And yes, it’s no mistake that the Lutheran church in Sweden was the first to proclaim this heresy just a few weeks after joining hands with the Pope in person on the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther’s 95 thesis that they falsely claim has been debunked.   Continue reading

Jay-Z: ‘Satan is Our True Lord, Only Idiots Believe in Jesus’

jay-z-only-idiots-believe-in-jesus-satan-our-true-lord-141117“The billionaire rapper has also claimed that “God created Lucifer to be the bearer of truth and light,” and that “Jesus never existed” but was merely a “tool created by smart people to control dumb people.” …”There ain’t no Jesus. “Ya’ll slaves to a fake religion. “Do you think I got where I am praying to a guy that don’t exist? “No. I found the guys who invented that guy and I joined the club. “Then I worked my way to the top. “I earned my new form of humanity and maturity when I fully embraced my older brother, Satan.” –Source

We need to pray for Jay-Z as he is declaring publicly that he is possessed by Satan in the same way an obedient Christian’s fruit shows the Holy Spirit is within them. Being in the very last days we are to expect demon possessed people to come forward more often now than ever before in history because Revelation 12:12 says “…the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.” Satan simply cannot waste time trying to hide his agenda anymore. There’s not enough time left for him to do that and still get large numbers. He knows that every prophecy that was declared to come to fulfillment by this time in history has been well documented to have been fulfilled with only a few left to go before Jesus returns. And so the enemy of souls knows he has to open the demonic floodgates in the hopes of luring as many souls into hellfire with him because it’s all about to end for him. And so now he doesn’t care if people know he is the one behind it all.   Continue reading

VIDEO: U.S. Bishops: ‘A Model for the World’

img0240AA.JPG“As the U.S. Catholic bishops celebrate their 100th anniversary as an organized body, they look back at their previous century of work to help forecast what the next 100 years may bring.” –Source

I see no need to comment on the video other than to echo what the brother that sent the video to me stated. At 0:50 in the video Cardinal Dolan (ArchBishop of NY) says “it’s tough to forecast what the future is going to hold.” The only reason he says that is because as we all know Roman Catholic Popes, Cardinals, Bishops, Priests and Nuns do not read Bibles and so they do not know that Revelation 18 specifically states the forecast for the Catholic church is in fact absolute and utter destruction. And for those that do not believe me when I say they don’t read Bibles; see my Sola Scriptura page wherein they literally try to create doctrine out of thin air that declares the Bible is not to be trusted, see my words of the beast page wherein I have a section listing many quotes from the Vatican and its prelates where they declare in writing some rather hateful statements towards the Word of God as well as anyone that reads it, who they proclaim should “be destroyed.”  Continue reading

CNN Blames God for Texas shooting?!

nnZgRCrT“So spare me the anti-religion tweets. You can keep them. I won’t even read them. I don’t care. These God-fearing Christians were in church. They were already praying. Thoughts and prayers did not stop an oversight from the justice system which enabled a guy who attacked his stepson and assaulted his wife from getting a gun.” –Source

I was wondering who in the media was going to fan the flames of the already burning Christian hate campaign, and now we know who. But then that was to be expected of the main stream media. And especially one like CNN that thrives on lies. After sharing repetitive statements regarding thoughts and prayers being offered up for the people that have been injured or who have lost loved ones in a few of the recent mass shootings. And yes, more than one of those shootings that CNN mentioned have been confirmed as false flag attacks that granted the powers that be the option to push ahead for even more unjust laws in America, this CNN anchor claims prayer didn’t help the already praying Christians that were killed in that church. And yes, this will fan the flames of hatred against anyone trusting the Christian God.   Continue reading

Pope says don’t oppose God or Caesar

popefrancisToday’s blog entry is a video of the Pope posted by Rome Reports a few moments ago, and as usual they have next to nothing in the way of comments regarding the video itself. And so I will just share quickly as to what he said in the video and what he actually meant by what he said, as per Vatican record.

In the video he declared, and I quote “The Christian is called to commit himself concretely to human and social realities without opposing ‘God’ and ‘Caesar.'” And so who does this and every Pope believe to be the God he is speaking of here that the common man must never oppose? And who is it he believes to be Caesar? Well first of all, as we know by many Vatican quotes, the Popes of Rome actually declare themselves to be “God on earth.”   Continue reading

A Million Christians to Pray Rosary on Poland’s Border Commemorating Historical Defeat of Islam

Polish-girl-pray“Poland’s bishops have urged the nation’s Catholics to join a massive rosary prayer crusade along the country’s 2,000-mile border to pray for the salvation of their country. Organizers say they expect up to a million people to participate in the “Rosary on the Borders” event on October 7, the anniversary of the Battle of Lepanto, where “the Christian fleet overcame the Muslim armada, saving Europe from Islamization.” The Catholic Feast of the Holy Rosary was established by Pope Pius V in 1571 as “Our Lady of Victory” after the so-called Holy League won a landmark victory over the Ottoman Turks at the Battle of Lepanto.” –Source

This is why the Protestant movement and even the name “Christian” has become so weakened over the last few centuries to where very few prayers are answered. No one is serious about their Christian walk! And to call Roman Catholics Christians not only makes Muslims hate us, (because it was the Vatican that attacked them in the Crusades and NOT Christians) it also makes Christians look bad when those that deny Scripture to worship idols declare themselves to be followers of Jesus Christ. I do not apologize for that statement because there is simply no easy way to say that. Sometimes truth is simply that blunt.  Continue reading

First time in millennia, Jewish priests will undergo training to enter temple’s holy of holies

high-priestFor the first time in 2,000 years, a group of Kohanim (men of the Jewish priestly caste) living close to Jerusalem’s Old City are studying the relevant Jewish laws to be able to ascend the Temple Mount and enter the Holy of Holies, where God’s presence is said to dwell. …The “new situation on the ground” is that Kohanim, men descended patrilineally from Aaron the Priest, will now be trained for the first time in millennia to enter the area where the Holy of Holies once stood. Their purpose will not be to offer sacrifices or pray for the Jewish people, but to retrieve dead bodies should the need arise again. ” –Source

First and foremost, as any serious student of the Bible knows, rebuilding the temple, or even training Rabbis to officiate, be it for removing dead bodies in a sanctified manner from the temple mount after an attack by Muslims, or actually seeking to enter into the presence of the Lord above the ark is not biblical this side of Calvary; nor is it prophesied to happen at all. The only place we see a third temple mentioned in any format in history is in Jesuit propaganda and infiltrated Protestant hype. Nary a Bible verse can be presented to back it up.   Continue reading

VIDEO: NFL Unleashes ‘Love Has No Labels’ Ad

Love_has_no_labels_cotw“The National Football League partnered with The Ad Council and R/GA to promote its “Love Has No Labels” campaign from the Pro Bowl in Orlando, FL. The ad shows the “kiss cam” from the January all-star game with various types of couples kissing. One of the women featured in the ad is a survivor of a shooting last year at Orlando’s Pulse Nightclub.” –Source

The video starts off panning the crowd with a heart outline on the screen. You know, the infamous “kiss cam” wherein people are pressured to kiss on camera before millions of people. As students of prophecy, it wasn’t a hard call to declare this wouldn’t end well years ago when this began as the norm at most sporting events. In the early days, open signs of affection outside of holding hands or a gentle smile were forbidden as it was obvious where it would lead if left unchecked. And so here you have it. But no one cares now that all those “prudes” are dead and gone.   Continue reading

Providence bishop declares 2017 as Marian Year

15192543_1192607157453252_4636642076936271161_n-480x450“It’s going to be an important year in the church because it’s the 100th anniversary of Mary’s apparitions at Fatima and we’re going to be celebrating that particular event in the diocese along with the universal church,” said Bishop Thomas J. Tobin of Providence.
 PROVIDENCE – Catholics in the Diocese of Providence have an additional reason to celebrate the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God Jan. 1, as the feast day also marks the beginning of the upcoming Marian Year for the diocese.

“This is an opportunity to renew and to refresh our devotion to Mary that we have as Catholics,” said Bishop Thomas J. Tobin, who well celebrate Mass at the Cathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul on the feast, which is a holy day of obligation. Continue reading

New International Religious Freedom Act a first for atheists

Crowds of atheists and other freethinkers assembled by the Lincoln Memorial reflecting pool for the Reason Rally on June 4, 2016 in Washington, D.C. RNS photo by Adelle M. Banks
Crowds of atheists and other freethinkers assembled by the Lincoln Memorial reflecting pool for the Reason Rally on June 4, 2016 in Washington, D.C. RNS photo by Adelle M. Banks

(RNS) When President Obama signed a newly strengthened international religious freedom act Friday (Dec. 16), the intention was to protect religious believers around the world.

But the freshly signed act is being heralded by some legal scholars as a different milestone — for the first time, atheists and other nonreligious persons are explicitly named as a class protected by the law.

“The new law has some really interesting language in it,” said Caroline Mala Corbin, professor of law at the University of Miami. “It takes an expansive view of religious liberty, saying freedom of religion is not just about the right to practice religion. It is also about the right to have your own views about religion including being agnostic and atheistic.”   Continue reading