Category: Climate Change
The Warning Voice of God

Did you catch the news about the apocalyptic fires in Los Angeles? And then there was that earthquake in Tibet that sadly took the lives of at least 126 people. Not to mention the catastrophic flood in Saudi Arabia and the winter storm that really hit hard across much of the US. Oh, and let’s not forget the volcanic eruption threats coming up in 2025, the tragic plane crash in South Korea, and that new virus outbreak in China. It’s just a lot happening all over the world, isn’t it? What do these calamities actually mean?
Continue readingPope Opens Vatican Door to Grant Absolution from Sins for 2025

On December 24, 2024, the pope opened the Vatican’s Holy Door on St. Peter’s Basilica. The news report says that “This will mark the start of the 2025 Jubilee, a year of forgiveness, reconciliation, and spiritual renewal. Catholics who confess their sins during this time receive absolution, freeing them from eternal or spiritual punishment.”
Continue readingCOVID was a ‘Test’ of Obedience – WEF Admits

According to news report on September 7, 2024, “The World Economic Forum (WEF) finally tells the truth about Covid, it was a ‘test’ of our obedience to rapidly forming New World Order.”
Continue readingSocialism, Not America, Made Venezuela Poor

According to a news report on August 26, 2024, “Apologists for Venezuela’s socialist regime claim that U.S. sanctions made the country poor. And while sanctions didn’t help, the reason the country is poor is because of the socialist policies of the Maduro and Chávez regimes. The transition to socialism and the crash of the economy all happened long before Trump imposed sanctions in 2017… In case anyone missed the horrendous effects of socialism/communism on Cuba, Cambodia, North Korea, and Laos, Venezuela should serve as a cautionary tale to American voters to reject socialism.”
Continue readingWhy the Atlantic Ocean is cooling fast is unknown

The Atlantic Ocean is cooling at an exponential rate, and nobody is sure why,” according to weather report yesterday. It goes on to say that, “it’s been more than a year of record-high global sea temperatures, including being close to the collapse of the AMOC. Despite those troubles, though, the Atlantic is now experiencing something quite baffling-temperatures are cooling, and scientists are scrambling to figure out what’s going on.”
Continue reading‘Climate change’ forces government to implement nationwide shutdown on Sunday

News media reported on July 27, 2024, that “Iranian banks and most government institutes will be closed on Sunday and people were asked to avoid leaving home as the country faces a scorching heatwave… in order to protect people’s health and conserve energy… Public sector working hours were already halved on Saturday, the first day of the week in Iran… Scientists have linked climate change to more prolonged, stronger and more frequent extreme weather, including heatwaves.”
Continue readingPope: Christians, Jews, Muslims – All Worship ‘Allah’

Christians, Jews and Muslims, all worship the “one God” and are “brothers and sisters” asserted by pope according to news report on June 28, 2024.
Continue readingVIDEO: It’s Time To Get ‘Aggressive’ With ‘Anti-Vaxxers’ – W.H.O. Director

Last month, the W.H.O failed to secure its proposed global pandemic treaty. Praise the Lord for this is good news for now! Yet it is only temporary because there was a warning that “if another pandemic appears, there will be another push to hand over to the world organization literally all of the authority for health care decisions.” But the same organization said early this year that the new global pandemic is not a question of “if” but “when.”
Continue readingPope proclaims 2025 Jubilee Year to UNITE all Christians on Easter Sunday

On May 9, 2024, the pope “proclaims the upcoming Jubilee Year 2025, consigning the Bull of Indiction – “Spes non confundit. Hope does not disappoint” – to the Archpriests of the Papal Basilicas and representatives of the world’s bishops.” It further stated that “Recalling that 2025 is the 1700th anniversary of the First Ecumenical Council, Pope Francis urged expressions of synodality, and renewed efforts to further Christian unity. He appealed especially for progress to be made toward a common celebration of Easter, noting that in 2025, providentially, all Christians will celebrate the Paschal mystery on the same date. Pope Francis insisted that Christian hope, rooted in Christ’s death and resurrection for each human person, points to our final destiny, eternal happiness with God in heaven. We are saved by God’s mercy, seen especially in the gift of indulgences: While Confession washes away our sins, indulgences – including the Jubilee Indulgence – remove the effects of sins forgiven in the Sacrament. In the Bull of Indiction, the Pope notes that the specific conditions for receiving the indulgence will be published soon.”
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