Madeleine Albright: ‘I stand ready to register as a Muslim’

Former Secretary of State Madeline Albright speaks at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S. July 26, 2016. REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson - RTSJT7E
Former Secretary of State Madeline Albright speaks at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S. July 26, 2016. REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson – RTSJT7E

(USA Today) Former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright — citing her varied religious background — said in a Wednesday (Jan. 25) tweet she’s ready to register as a Muslim

I was raised Catholic, became Episcopalian & found out later my family was Jewish. I stand ready to register as Muslim in .

 Albright, the first woman to run the State Department under former President Bill Clinton, joined thousands of people who have pledged to register as a Muslim. It’s a push back against Trump’s support of a Muslim registry on the campaign trail. The president’s chief of staff Reince Priebus has since said Trump has no plans for a Muslim registry.

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Bishops hail ‘Migration Week’ while flooding U.S. cities with Muslims

dadaab-refugee-camp“The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, operating through its Migration and Refugee Services division, resettled more than 22,000 refugees in 2015, with many of them coming from the Muslim-dominated countries of Somalia, Iraq, Syria, Sudan and Afghanistan. …Some of the states where the Catholic bishops are most active in resettling Muslim refugees are Michigan, Minnesota, Tennessee, Ohio, Florida, California, Arizona, Maine, Georgia, Nebraska, Illinois, Virginia, Kentucky, Washington, Texas and Utah. …At the same time the Catholic Bishops are placing Muslim refugees into hundreds of U.S. cities and towns, they have also been lobbying Congress for the U.S. to embrace the mostly Catholic Central Americans who have massed at the U.S.-Mexico border seeking asylum. “If you are a Catholic, you are likely being bombarded this week (Jan. 8-14) with propaganda about welcoming the stranger,” writes refugee watchdog Ann Corcoran at her blog, Refugee Resettlement Watch.” –Source

That all being said, when right here in the good old US of A starts seeing the numbers of rapes by Muslims continue to climb and Islamic honor killings in America go off the chart remember this one basic fact. It was the prophesied man of sin in Rome who put every young girl in America in danger of being raped and even killed for the sole purpose of having a massive Islamic voting bloc in America. Sure, like their wicked offspring, La Cosa Nostra (aka Mafia) the Vatican will always place a reputable facade on their actions so as to have the winning hand in any “moral” argument no matter how obvious it all is. What I mean is, when someone asks them why they are breaking our laws and flooding murderers, rapists and child molesters into our country by the millions, they can play the moral card and shout back, “don’t you have love for your fellowman?!” And we say yes we do! And that very love moves the obedient bride of Christ to warn the world over of their openly exposed ulterior motives. And what might that be you ask? I will let the Vatican’s very own prelates admit their agenda in writing…   Continue reading

UPDATED: Vatican’s Chrislamic State agenda in high gear for New Year

nypd-sikh-officers-facebook-640x480“The New York Police Department is allowing Sikh officers to wear full turbans in place of the traditional police cap and grow beards up to a half-inch long as required by their religion. …It’s a major change in our uniform policy, so we had to go about it carefully. And now I have the opportunity to make the change, and I thought it was about time that we did that. O’Neill said the NYPD has about 160 Sikh officers. …Sikh advocates praised the NYPD’s decision to be more inclusive. If the NYPD’s new policy indeed allows for Sikhs to maintain unshorn beards and turbans, that sends a powerful message to the rest of America that Sikhs are an important part of our nation’s fabric,” Harsimran Kaur, legal director of The Sikh Coalition, told NBC News in a statement.” –Source

Muslim and Sikh NYPD officers can now wear beards and turbans
Muslim and Sikh officers in the New York Police Department will be allowed to grow out their beards and wear turbans while in uniform, the NYPD announced on Wednesday. Under the new policy, outlined by NYPD Commissioner James P. O’Neill, officers who are granted a religious accommodation from the department’s Equal Employment Opportunity Office will be able to grow beards that extend up to half an inch from the face, and may also wear a blue turban with a hat shield in lieu of a traditional police hat. Previously, officers with a medical or religious accommodation were permitted to grow a beard no longer than one millimeter in length, a policy that came under review after a Muslim officer filed a federal class-action lawsuit in June.” –Source
Doesn’t that make you all warm and fuzzy inside knowing New York’s finest is promoting a religion as part of a local government entity? That’s right, the New York Police department, like any local or State department is funded by the United States Government who students of prophecy know is the second beast of Revelation that uplifts, promotes and demands all to bow in worship of the first beast in Rome. And so, even though any Christian, Buddhist, or Jewish citizen that wanted to display a “religious” symbol in the NYPD they would not be allowed that option sighting the NYPD’s church & state separation policies. But if you’re part of a religion that kills Christians, Buddhists, and Jews as well as one that has been promoted by the very same government to have toppled the New York city skyline on September 11th, then by all means, let them have their way. And isn’t it a bit suspicious that while this is happening in New York, Kerry’s pro-Islam speech is being embraced as a good thing by the very nation (Saudi Arabia) Wikileaks just exposed as the main source of funds for all the Islamic terrorist groups around the world. Continue reading

Parish Priest Dresses Virgin Mary in Burqa for Nativity Scene

presepe-640x480A parish priest in the south of Italy enraged parishioners by dressing the Virgin Mary in a Muslim burqa for his church’s Christmas Nativity scene, adding a boatful of refugees and a rainbow flag in place of the star of Bethlehem.

The pastor of the parish of Saints Joachim and Anne in Potenza, Father Franco Corbo, found himself face to face with an angry mob of demonstrators gathered outside his church on Wednesday to protest his provocative display.

“Don Franco,” as the priest is known, said that he had the special crèche scene constructed “in the name of dialogue among religions” and that his message had been “misinterpreted.”   Continue reading

Boko Haram Jihadists Teach Boy Soldiers How to Rape Women

boy-soldier-640x480Islamist militants from the Boko Haram terror group are instructing their teenage recruits how to sexually assault women as part of their training, both as a means of terror and an incentive for the young militants.

As part of their formation program, the Nigeria-based Jihadi leaders rape women and young girls captured during raids in front of the boys as a visual lesson in how to subdue a struggling victim during sexual assault, according to reports.

One 15-year-old boy known only as Ahmed said that the girls “scream and cry for help,” but the militants don’t care. “Sometimes they’ll be slapped and threatened with guns if they didn’t cooperate,” he said.   Continue reading

Top Italian Bishop: Islamist Attacks Have Nothing to Do With Religion

galantino-640x480“Despite appearances to the contrary, the murder of the Russian ambassador in Ankara and the Berlin massacre in a Christmas market have nothing to do with religion but are economically motivated, according to the secretary general of the Italian bishops’ conference. On Monday, a gunman shot the Russian ambassador to Turkey, Andrei Karlov, at an art exhibition in Ankara, reportedly shouting “Allahu akbar” while he gunned him down. Later in the day, a Muslim Pakistani “refugee” drove a semi through a Christmas market in Berlin, killing 12 people and injuring many others. In an interview with the Italian daily, Corriere della Sera, Bishop Nunzio Galantino, said the Berlin and Ankara terrorist attacks were not motivated by religion but by money.”-Source

You know what’s really shocking about this Bishop’s incoherent statement? 1.2 billion Catholics will believe him. Why? It’s because Rome has built it into the structure of the dogma that the Popes and prelates are not just godly men, they have stated in writing they are “gods on earth!” The fact every political leader as well as every common man sitting in a Catholic pew bows before these men to kiss their feet or rings confirms they do worship them!   Continue reading

Saudi woman who faced death threats for removing hijab could get lashed instead

1481651208519A young woman who received death threats after going out without her full-body dress in Saudi Arabia now faces being lashed after she was arrested.

The woman, identified as Malak Al Shehri, shared a photograph of herself without a hijab or abaya – a traditional body covering – on a street in the capital city of Riyadh.

Al Shehri sparked fury on social media after she went out in public in the conservative capital, with some even calling for her execution.   Continue reading

Nativity Scene Could Offend Muslims, Priest Says

gettyimages-78643212-640x480“A priest in Italy has caused uproar after announcing there would be no Christmas nativity scene at the local cemetery this year because it could offend Muslims and atheists. Fr Sante Braggiè said there would be no crib in the cemetery in the northern city of Cremona because it may anger people of others faiths or none whose relatives are buried there. …The local chief of the conservative Lega Nord, Pietro Burgazzi, also said: “I hope the decision not to put up a crib was not ideological, but hearing the criticisms it seems that it was.” –Source

It amazes me to no end how quick Roman Catholic priests are to bow down to Satan in refusing to share Jesus with anyone outside the Catholic church. Now, before you email me with eyebrows still firmly raised in surprise, no I am not declaring the Roman Catholic church is a Christian church. I have overwhelming evidence on more than 12,000 pages (if printed) of this website that it is by no means a Christian church. (Sorry Mr & Mrs Catholic, there’s just no easy way to say that) And no I am not saying Christmas is a Christian holy-day either. As many already know, I have a ton of evidence that Christmas is 100% Pagan. Just looking at the picture on the left with the Pagan stained glass window in the so called stable shows it promotes Paganism. I mean seriously, when was the last time anyone saw a window, let alone a stained glass window in a stable? It was placed there for a reason. (See more about Paganism in the church of Rome here)  Continue reading

Indonesia: Parents of 4-Y-O Burned in Church Bombing Say ‘God Teaches Us to Forgive’

indonesia-church-attackThe parents of a 4-year-old girl, who suffered severe burns in a terror attack on a church in Indonesia’s East Kalimantan province, have forgiven the accused, identified as a former convicted terrorist linked to the Islamic State group, and have said they will not even ask God to punish him.

A bomb, reportedly a molotov cocktail, was thrown inside the Gereja Oikumene Church compound in Samarinda, East Kalimantan, where children were playing, on Sunday, killing a toddler and injuring three other infants, The Jakarta Post reported.

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Canada bans Islamophobia … and that’s just the start

quran-fragment-600“A new report on lawmakers in Canada endorsing a ban on “Islamophobia” warns that it is just a stepping stone to what Islamic supremacists ultimately want. And how is that known? The Islamists themselves said so. At the Gatestone Institute, Judith Bergman, a writer, lawyer, columnist and political analyst, cited the recent action in Canada’s Parliament. There, lawmakers approved an anti-Islamophobia motion that states: “Recently an infinitesimally small number of extremist individuals have conducted terrorist activities while claiming to speak for the religion of Islam. Their actions have been used as a pretext for a notable rise of anti-Muslim sentiments in Canada; and these violent individuals do not reflect in any way the values or the teachings of the religion of Islam. In fact, they misrepresent the religion. We categorically reject all their activities. They in no way represent the religion, the beliefs and the desire of Muslims to co-exist in peace with all peoples of the world. We, the undersigned, Citizens and residents of Canada, call upon the House of Commons to join us in recognizing that extremist individuals do not represent the religion of Islam, and in condemning all forms of Islamophobia.” –Source

The Vatican’s hand is all over this one. Not only do we have a mountain of evidence to confirm the Popes of Rome invented Islam, right down to the fact they wrote their Koran 20 years before Mohammed was even born, we have all the churches in the World Council of Churches bowing to the Popes command to make Islam a protected and flourishing religion in the world. And this is why everyone from the loyal SDA to the Pentecostals declaring Allah is God. This is why we now see Canada banning any comments that speak truth about Islam. Rome knows they can never demand free speech be removed so as to protect the man of sin in Rome. They know the Loud Cry is getting very loud and they know the Pope is known worldwide as an evil man; but as we also know they base their stance on lies claiming to be the moral authority on earth so as to keep their true fruits hidden. But, to demand all that speak out against the Pope are to be considered criminals would be intolerable politically and Rome’s power would fade into international peals of laughter. And so, they need a scape goat to build the foundation on. That goat is Islam!   Continue reading