Muslim Blasts Extremists at Friday Prayer With Christians

WireAP_d7d4cd5aec1f4e49bffb4247200003b4_16x9_1600Muslims and Catholics joined in Friday prayers at the mosque in the Normandy town where an elderly priest was slain this week, with one imam chastising the extremists as non-Muslims who are “not part of civilization.”

Muslims came from other parts of France for the service shared with Christians.

The killing Tuesday of 85-year-old Rev. Jacques Hamel as he celebrated morning Mass sent shockwaves around France and deeply touched many among the nation’s 5 million Muslims. The Islamic State group claimed responsibility for the attack, as well as the July 14 truck attack in Nice, where 84 people were killed by a man who plowed his truck down a seaside promenade. Continue reading

Pope Francis: ‘I Do Not Believe It Is Right to Identify Islam with Violence’

Pope_Armenia_press_conference_CNA_576d6ca58e010_112081-650x495“I do not believe it is right to identify Islam with violence,” the Pope told journalists during the July 31 papal flight to Rome following his apostolic journey to Poland. “This is not right and it is not true.” “I don’t like to speak about Islamic violence,” the Pope said, taking into account that one sees violence every day in the newspapers, even at the hands of baptized Catholics. “There are violent Catholics!” he said. “If I speak of Islamic violence, I must speak of Catholic violence.” –Source

Finally, this Jesuit ordained Pope admits that he doesn’t see the violence of Islam as being an issue. And he even goes so far as to use his own flock as a way to belittle or downplay the violence of Islam. Of course, he’s doing so in a way that suggests violent Catholics are only those we see in bar room brawls. He won’t mention the Roman Catholics killing people in Mexico that refuse to convert, or even the burning of the dead bodies of their victims that refuse to bow to the Pope. He doesn’t mention the 1260 years wherein the Catholic church and all civil leaders that were Roman Catholic killed hundreds of millions of Christians and he certainly isn’t going to declare Catholics violent as his priests continue to violently rape little boys. Nor will he mention any of the violent acts done by his predecessors. The list of Vatican violence is so far off the chart just naming a few as I just did won’t even amount as a pimple on mountain of evidence compiled exposing them. Continue reading

John Kerry: Climate Change as Big a Threat as Islamic State

At an international meeting on global warming Friday, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry compared the effects of climate change to the horrors of Islamic terrorism, suggesting that the two pose an equivalent danger to the world’s population.

“Yesterday, I met in Washington with 45 nations – defense ministers and foreign ministers – as we were working together on the challenge of Daesh, ISIL, and terrorism,” Kerry said at the Vienna summit. “It’s hard for some people to grasp it, but what we – you – are doing here right now is of equal importance because it has the ability to literally save life on the planet itself.” Continue reading

A Muslim Looking Forward to the Third Temple?

“The following is a press release from Turkish religious figure Adnan Oktar (pictured, center), who recently hosted a number of Israeli Jewish officials during Ramadan and very interestingly expressed his anticipation for the restoration of the Temple in Jerusalem. …Mr. Adnan Oktar explained that the days when the Prophet Solomon’s Masjid and Palace (Solomon’s Temple) will be rebuilt in an atmosphere of global peace and tranquility are at hand. Rabbi Ben Abrahamson, who is a historian and consultant to the Sanhedrin regarding issues related to Islam, emphasized that the rebuilding of the Temple is a very good development for all mankind.” –Source
First and foremost, contrary to popular belief, there is not a single Bible verse declaring the need for a third temple or even a prophecy stating a third temple is to be built. However, this won’t stop Satan or his Jesuit pawns from suggesting this is a prophecy and or a need as they have been doing so for centuries. Even some in the Seventh day Adventist (SDA) church over the years have been used by Rome to spread the thought that a third temple was needed. That way, by the time all the Sunday keepers, Muslims and other nonChristian faiths join hands on this, the SDA people will have been readied as well.

Take the strange theology of SDA Archeologist Ron Wyatt for example wherein he taught the literal blood of Jesus Christ somehow fell upon the ark of the covenant that was secretly placed under His cross on Calvary 2000 years ago, even though the Word says that blood was to be presented in the Heavenly temple instead. Not only is there not a single Bible verse to back this claim in either the Old or New Testament that Christ’s blood needed to be sprinkled on the earthly copy of the ark of the covenant first found in Heaven that is not made by the hands of men, it sets the stage for Jews, Christians and even Muslims to see the need for a third temple in the future.  Continue reading…

Picture Of Sadiq Khan Breaking Ramadan Fast With Faith Leaders Shows Hope Amid Post-Brexit Racism

View image on TwitterAbuse screamed on trams. Polish communities centres daubed with obscenities. People being labelled racist insults in their own home towns. It’s been a bit of depressing week on the intolerance front hasn’t it?

But here’s something that may have passed you by which shows that there are still plenty of people from all walks of life who are doing their best to encourage tolerance.

Mayor of London Sadiq Khan, who is a practising Muslim, was pictured breaking his Ramadan fast alongside the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby and Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis.

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These Christians Were Burned Alive for Their Faith

 A Christian father and his young daughter were burned alive after Boko Haram raided their church.

fireasOn the fateful day, while we were in the church praying, they stormed and ordered us to renounce our Christian faith or be killed,” said John Mbah, recounting the day his father and sister were murdered at the hands of the Islamic terror group.

When Mbah and the other Christians living in Dadawa, Nigeria went to church that day in April, they had no idea they would become the targets of radical Islamic terrorists. Continue reading

ISIS’S RAMADAN KILLING SPREE Hundreds slaughtered in a single weekend as Obama boasts “progress.”

57798079204e2.image_ISIS is celebrating the Muslim holy month of Ramadan with multiple massacres. ISIS’s followers are heeding the message released by ISIS’s spokesman, Abu Muhammed al-Adnani, before Ramadan began. Jihadists must attack to “gain the great reward for martyrdom in Ramadan,” he declared. ISIS looks to the example of Prophet Muhammad himself who defeated his enemies in Mecca in the Battle of Badr, which took place during Ramadan.

Why Do 80 Percent Of Convicts Convert To Islam Over Other Religions?

It should come as no surprise that a significant amount of people miraculously “find God” after being sent to prison. Aside from numerous instances of real life examples, there is an endless amount of movies and books and stories that find incarcerated individuals seeing the metaphorical light and changing the evil of their ways with the help of religion.

In reality, most of these people convert to Islam. But why?   Continue reading

DHS whistleblower: Terrorism is not the enemy (Sharia Law is!)

isis“What we need to understand to see this more clearly is that there is an overarching strategy,” Haney told Daniel Horowitz this week on the podcast “The Conservative Conscience.” “I call it the gravitational force of the global Islamic movement, and that is the implementation of Sharia law. That’s the actual goal. “Everything that we see happen around us everywhere, all 28,000 jihad attacks since 9/11, they’re all tactical events for one strategic goal, which is implementation of Shariah law, and as long as we fight tactics we will never win, because tactics change constantly. Yes, the tactics of ISIS are horrible and gruesome, Haney acknowledged, but it is crucial for U.S. policymakers to realize ISIS is working towards a worldwide caliphate ruled by Shariah law. They share that goal with every other Islamic terrorist organization on the planet, even those that employ less brutal tactics. …“They don’t realize that all these groups are overlapping and that they work together, and they have much more in common – Hezbollah has much more in common with Hamas than not – and they have the same strategic goal, implementation of Shariah, …try telling people that not only do you have the government ignoring Islamic terror, and creating this CVE (Countering Violent Extremism) agenda, focused on ‘right-wing extremism’ instead of where the problem is, but you have Muslim Brotherhood figures at the highest levels of our Homeland Security and counter-terrorism apparatus inspiring, drafting, influencing these policies at its highest level.” –Source

This is exactly what I’ve been saying for years! I even made by last count four videos on this subject. Yet scoffers love to come out of the woodwork with all sorts of insults and strange twisted Scripture so as to hide the fact that the Vatican has been behind this all along. In fact I have a page online dedicated to exposing Rome’s involvement titled “The Pope and Islam.” I have another page with rock hard evidence and an actual eye witness testimony on camera no less confirming the Vatican wrote the Koran. You can see that page and video by clicking here.

Why do they need Sharia Law in America?  Continue reading…

ISIS Beheads 4-Y-O Girl Then Forces Mother to Soak Hands in Daughter’s Blood

syrian-refugeeIslamic State terrorists have beheaded a 4-year-old girl in the group’s Syrian stronghold of Raqqa and forced her mother to soak her hands in her daughter’s blood, an Iranian news outlet has reported.

A Syrian woman who recently escaped the wrath of IS (also known as ISIS, ISIL and Daesh) told the Tehran-based Al Alam International News Channel on the condition of anonymity about a terrifying incident that led to the decapitation of an innocent child.

“A mother told her 4-year daughter to go home and she refused and then the mother told her unintentionally ‘go home and I swear to God that I will behead you if you don’t,'” the woman recalled. “And one of the ISIS members heard this and told the mother ‘since you swore to God you should behead her,’ but the mother strongly opposed.” Continue reading…