2020 Election Has Already Been Decided

“Voting booths have already been hijacked by a political elite comprised of Republicans and Democrats who are determined to retain power at all costs. The outcome is a foregone conclusion: the Deep State will win and “we the people” will lose.” – Source

Jesuit priest, Father James Martin offered prayer at the Democratic National Convention while Cardinal Timothy Dolan delivered the opening prayer by video feed during the Republican National Convention. The Jesuits are playing both sides. It doesn’t matter who wins the US presidency, the real winner is the Vatican!

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Reason for Pandemic Summarized

I’ve been asked quite a few times as to what I think of all that’s been happening with the planned-demic and bought and paid for rioters. As usual I send a list of the blog entries (see below) that touch on this. But that’s a lot of reading or video watching as I made a short video for each one. And since I’ve been asked to summarize all the blogs I did on this, I decided to share this blog which will also be a video to condense things a bit. And if anyone wants more info they can just check out all the links in the blog entries as I have many in each of them.

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Pope seeks to Enforce the Mark in 7 years

If you don’t know what the mark of the beast is, check out this in depth study or just view some of the many videos I have posted on my mark of the beast page. And if you don’t know how prophecy says the Pope in Rome will use climate change to enforce the mark, see another in depth study or just watch some of the videos I posted on my climate change page.

For those that know what the mark is and how the Pope will in fact use climate change to enforce it very soon, check this out.

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Talk of BEHEADINGS by Protesters!

Remember this video I did of a guillotine in a Puerto Rico’s BLM protest a couple weeks ago? It seems the protesters in Seattle that supposedly created their own country and are right now terrorizing anyone they can are promoting the use of guillotines. In this video you can hear one of their leaders shout, “Does anybody know what happened to the people who did not get on board with the French Revolution?” The crowd said “CHOPPED.” And did you know they just changed the name of their autonomous zone from CHAZ to CHOP?

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Christians Reject Fear-Mongering Riots

For those digging a tad deeper into all this, the first and more obvious picture here is that it’s all political theater designed to make Trump look bad so as to allow the Democrats to win in the next election. They fear Trump really is draining the swamp. Everyone from Obama himself to bought and paid for lobbyists are now being investigated. This is why we saw the bogus impeachment proceedings for years and then the Covid 19 the last few months and now the riots ; and yes, this is why we saw all those tanks moving to every major city months ago. In fact, it has already been suggested that ‘this isn’t a protest anymore, this is a coup.’ Basic reality here is this. Trump is a republican that the left hates with a passion; and that is why only cities run by Democrats have the riots. They are doing all they can to get him out of office to stop the investigations. But they can only do so where they have the power. Sadly, that entails many people in many states.

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Mask-less Woman Attacked – Next: Christians!

Watch the video I posted below; and as you watch it, think about how they’re treating this woman who doesn’t have a mask on. All that we’re seeing with the planned-demic is how easily it has been to get the majority of the people to act out of fear regardless of all the facts that the numbers have been changed by fake news to make it all look much worse than it was, (The CDC admitted faking the numbers early ondoctors have been censored for proving it’s better not to be locked down for in so doing makes our immune systems even weaker and much more vulnerable to viruses and the masks cannot possibly prevent viruses from spreading at all. There’s much more that I can share on this but if you want more info on all this, see some of my recent blog entries jam packed with well sourced links on all this. (See these too)

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The Vatican Can’t Hide These Signs!

There are many prophecies in the Word of God that define who the man of sin is, as well as his plans as a multi-body Antichrist. I say multi-body because every Pope since the start of the prophesied Church & State kingdom that the prophet Daniel called diverse (Daniel 7:23) started in 538AD; each and every Pope has embraced and actually fulfilled the prophecies regarding the actions of Antichrist in History. For those of you that haven’t seen my videos on this, see my Characteristics of Antichrist page for 26 of the most easy to see prophecies matched to historic records in detail as well as some videos for those of you that don’t like reading.

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It’s never been easier to trust in Jesus!

First and foremost, notice the pic on the left. Even the secular world sees this now. This means that we were 100% right! The Covid-19 PLANNED-demic was nothing more than a test that will bring on the Pope’s prophesied climate change agenda to enforce the mark of the beast! What’s so sad is that I know of not a single SDA leader who saw this coming. In fact, the SDA President said on camera that Sunday laws are not in the pipeline!

Please keep the dear SDA people in prayer. As prophesied in Scripture and SOP, their leaders are leading them away from Christ. (Email me for the proof)

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Covid-19: New World Order WORKS!

If you have eyes that see, and you remember what’s happening in November of this year, then you agree with the title. Now yes, all the nations are keeping quiet about this as they don’t want the public to know they are all guinea pigs in their NWO test pattern they call the Covid-19 Pandemic. But, in a world wherein the norm has been for 6000 years that never have we seen all nations agreeing with each other, and yes that is exactly how Daniel shared in his prophecy regarding the ten toes that were iron and clay mixed, never before in the past or in modern history have all the nations agreed to do something in unison until they finally found a way to do so without showing their hand right off.

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Covid-19 – this is our 66AD


Do you recall what Jesus said in Matthew 24 that came to fulfillment 40 years after He said it? He said this in Matthew 24:15-18, “When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:) Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains:  Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house: Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes.” Now I won’t get into defining all the prophetic symbols and dates that match all this with historic record, but if you’re interested you can find out what all the prophetic symbols mean on my “dream of a king” page when you get time.

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