Jesus said in Luke 20:25, “..Render therefore unto Caesar the things which be Caesar’s, and unto God the things which be God’s.” Just about every preacher on this earth uses that passage and a few others to confirm we must keep the church separate from the politics and corruption of government and those that teach prophecy know that the USA is actually the second beast of Revelation and especially evil, therefore clearly not a safe government for pastors to ever join in legal binding contracts with. The purity of the church should never mingle with the worldliness of men who have a bloodlust for power over their fellowmen. Continue reading
Tag: 501c3
All SDA Pastors need to REPENT!
Trump signed it! It is now law!
Have you seen my “Image of the Beast” page on my website that’s been up there almost from the very start of the site? That page grew over the years with every new political event surrounding the prophesied 501c3. If you go to that page you will see I also made many videos on this long prophesied event. But with the posting of the page, every update to the page, and every video made and then placed on the page, at each new posting I was ridiculed and declared in error by all SDA preachers regarding how in order to get the 501c3 contract you must join your church with the second beast of Revelation so as to create an image to the first beast in Rome. Continue reading
Image of the beast is ALIVE!
We now know the 501c3 government pastors next move. In fact, this is actually a very easy prophetic event to see before it comes to fruition thanks to the fact all the apostate pastors have done exactly as the Bible said they would at every step. They have joined their ministries and churches with the State they reside in making them an exact duplicate of the Roman Catholic beast which has the original Church & State structure prophecy speaks of when declaring it to be the woman on a beast; because the only way to get the 501c3 is to join your church or ministry with the State. Continue reading
501c3 Pastors EXPOSED!
Please check out this pdf file that I just now placed on my server from the IRS website. Reason it’s on my server from this day forward is because of what happened last Sabbath in the middle of the night as we all slept. The US government passed the tax reform laws that also removed a portion of the 501c3 many pastors will now deny ever existed in the coming years. This is why I will keep it online as long as possible.
Notice what it says on page 4 of this IRS instruction manual all pastors must read before signing unto the long prophesied 501c3. Now I am not going to read all of it, but I do think most should. Truth is, this is something all of us already knew. That in mind, it does say that the holder of the 501c3 can jeopardize their tax free status by committing certain acts listed in that manual. To give you an idea, it does says the pastors must not influence legislation or intervene in any political campaign whatsoever, and if you read on in the following pages they go into great detail how the pastors cannot say thing one about any political candidate or law, past, present or future to their congregation. Continue reading
501c3 Pastors and Sunday Laws
Ever since I created the image of the beast page on this website wherein I show how the 501c3 contract of the American Government drafted by Lyndon Johnson back in 1954 was a prophesied fulfillment wherein every church that signed unto it becomes a duplicate or “image” of the Roman Catholic Vatican; because we all know the only legal way to have a 501c3 is to Incorporate or join your church or ministry with the State; all the preachers and pastors with the 501c3 have said I was crazy for making such a claim. Continue reading
Dobson: Trump would ‘unleash Christian activists to fight for beliefs’
“GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump would “unleash Christian activists to fight for their beliefs” if he is elected this fall, according to Dr. James Dobson, founder of Family Talk radio and an adviser to presidents. In a commentary published on WND, Dobson, who earned his Ph.D. at the University of Southern California and is the author of more than 30 books, wrote about a meeting he attended between Christian leaders and Trump several weeks ago. He previously was quoted after that meeting saying he believed Trump had come “to accept a relationship with Christ,” repented of his sins and been “born again.” Dobson, who previously had supported Sen. Ted Cruz’s candidacy, endorsed Trump during the Republican National Convention.” –Source
So.. what’s not being said here? James Dobson is more a politician than he is a Christian. At least that is what his fruits have illustrated the last few decades. And yes, he too is a government agent who became as such by signing onto the long prophesied 501c3 contract with the second beast of Revelation. Being that this is bad enough wherein I don’t even have to touch on Dobson’s Vatican inspired doctrines and strange theology which entails everything from Sunday Sabbath to the Pagan holidays of Rome, the fact remains however that he is touching on something that Satan is very interested in today. Continue reading
Government claims power to control content of sermons
“The Iowa Civil Rights Commission is being sued for claiming it has the right to control the content of church services that are “open to the public.” …At issue in the Iowa case are state mandates that protect “transgender rights.” Among them are allowing men to enter women’s shower rooms, dressing rooms and restrooms if they say they are women, and banning statements in meetings “open to the public” that “might cause individuals to believe that they are unwelcome because of their perceived gender identity” …The church’s minister desires to preach sermons addressing God’s design for human sexuality and the church’s beliefs about ‘gender identity,’ but reasonably fears that if it were to do so it would violate the act’s and the city code’s speech ban,” the complaint explains.” Source
And that is the main reason Lyndon Johnson was inspired by Satan via the Vatican that was already in the White House to pen the 501c3 contract nearly every church denomination in America (expect those that actually study prophecy) signed unto it because as also prophesied, those standing at the desk are nothing more than preachers of filthy lucre. (money) Continue reading
Revenue Canada forbids Unitarians from working for justice
“One of Canada’s most venerable religious charities has been told by the Canada Revenue Agency that it can no longer work for justice in the world. Agency officials conducting a political activities audit on the Canadian Unitarian Council said the broad statement in the council’s bylaws is too vague. “Vague purposes are ambiguous and can be interpreted in many different ways,” the agency said in a compliance letter, which includes other demands more than a year after the audit was launched. …Many charities targeted by CRA’s political activity audit program, begun in 2012 under the Stephen Harper government, had expected relief from the Liberals, who campaigned on a promise to set charities “free from political harassment.” …”I do wish that the government would stop these audits, like, right now,” said Ng. “It has cost me many, many, many hours of work. … It has also cost us a lot of money that we haven’t budgeted for.” …Of 38 completed audits so far, only one found no problems. Six charities have been given notice the agency intends to revoke their charitable status…” –Source
Just so you know, the charitable foundation or “Canadian Unitarian Council” is set up by the government in Canada in similar fashion to the United States 501c3 contract wherein all the disobedient pastors of the nation signed unto since 1954 which then became law in 2007 under the second Bush administration. (See the prophetic implications to their signing here) In Canada, and no doubt under DC inspiration and coercion, the CUC was formed in 1961.That’s just 7 years after Lyndon Johnson set it up in 1954 in the United States. Continue Reading…
VIDEO: Court Forcing 501c3 Pastor to Pay Nearly a Half-Million Dollars Over Free Speech Settlement
“All he did was circulate recall petitions, the bishop says. Two federal courts and the state attorney general have sided with him. But the former mayor and a local judge appear out for blood to the tune of $475,000 straight from the pocket of Bishop Tom Brown. “This is the most unjust action that has ever taken place against any church in the United States of America,” Brown says. He leads Word of Life Church in El Paso, Texas.” –Source
What this pastor and all the unknowing people that may eventually send him the $475,000 he needs is, it’s all HIS FAULT! This is not a free speech situation at all and so I see no reason topost it as such. If this pastor, like all the other pastors that signed unto the 501c3 trap that was prophesied thousands of years ago would have read the contract they were signing, he would know it’s written right into it that once he signed that contract he can no longer speak politically from his pulpit. And so now he’s in hot water after getting caught telling his people in the church to recall the Mayor. And he deserves to be in trouble because he reneged on the contract. But for some odd reason he is saying this is all an unjust action of the city and State? How’s that possible when he agreed to stop preaching on politics? Continue Reading…