Notice what was just uncovered in an interview with the Pope.
“ROME, November 7, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – Pope Francis’ favored Italian interviewer Eugenio Scalfari is now claiming that the Pope told him that Jesus did not have a bodily resurrection after His passion and death on the cross, but that the man “disappeared” and he came forth from the tomb “in the semblance of a spirit.” –Source
Keep in mind, this is the same Pope that said Jesus failed in October of 2015, the very next month he said the Cross of Christ and God Himself were a failure in November of 2015, then he said Satan is much stronger than Jesus in 2017. And so now this Jesuit Pope is saying Jesus never came out of the tomb in the same manner all Christians will arise on that great and dreadful day when Jesus returns.
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