Pope said Jesus did not Resurrect

Notice what was just uncovered in an interview with the Pope.

“ROME, November 7, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – Pope Francis’ favored Italian interviewer Eugenio Scalfari is now claiming that the Pope told him that Jesus did not have a bodily resurrection after His passion and death on the cross, but that the man “disappeared” and he came forth from the tomb “in the semblance of a spirit.” –Source

Keep in mind, this is the same Pope that said Jesus failed in October of 2015, the very next month he said the Cross of Christ and God Himself were a failure in November of 2015, then he said Satan is much stronger than Jesus in 2017. And so now this Jesuit Pope is saying Jesus never came out of the tomb in the same manner all Christians will arise on that great and dreadful day when Jesus returns.

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Ellen White Prophesied: Pope to Apologize for killings


Notice what Sister White said the Pope would do in our day. And she said this in 1884.

“The Romish Church now presents a fair front to the world, covering with apologies her record of horrible cruelties. She has clothed herself in Christlike garments; but she is unchanged. Every principle of popery that existed in ages past exists today. The doctrines devised in the darkest ages are still held. Let none deceive themselves. The popery that Protestants are now so ready to embrace and honor is the same that ruled the world in the days of the Reformation, when men of God stood up at the peril of their lives to expose her iniquity. She possesses the same pride and arrogant assumption that lorded it over kings and princes, and claimed the prerogatives of God. Her spirit is no less cruel and despotic now than when she crushed out human liberty, and slew the saints of the Most High.”  {4SP 387.1}

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Prepare to Meet Thy God!

Check out this video my brother in the faith Pastor Craig posted as part of his video exposing “The Pope’s Global World System” the other day. What you’re about to see is something I also did a video on some time ago as well. But this new video steps it up a bit in regards to how the technology has been greatly improved. Keep in mind however; I do not post this video for the student of prophecy or even the obedient people of God because they already know what time it is. The Lord they love reveals these thing to them so as to bless them with peace as well as the courage and faith needed to stand firm when that day finally arrives. And all these blessings come about by simply reading our Bibles and praying each and every day. And so no, I post this video for the lukewarm Christian who rarely reads their Bibles as well as the scoffer that never reads the Bible at all.

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Pope Ted


If you have been watching the News the last few decades you would know that politicians and church leaders that bow and do favors for the Pope are granted all sorts of worldly benefits by doing so. And this is especially true for church leaders who create the image of the beast in Rome via their 501c3 and in Wilson’s case, an added bonus in granted by their emulation of the Vatican’s hierarchal format wherein the man at the head of the church is considered “another god on earth” or Pope as Rome calls it. I did a video on the SDA church’s Roman Catholic hierarchy as well not too long ago.

But why did I title this blog entry Pope Ted?   Continue reading

Pope & SDA: You are Saved by the Church


As some may already know, I posted a video on this yesterday evening. It’s part of a series of videos I pray will help the SDA people discover the danger they are in while staying in a church that as prophesied has been taken by Rome in recent decades. It is the hope of the obedient remnant people that once this truth gets out far and wide about the Vatican infiltration in the SDA leadership, many still sitting in the pews will awaken from their prophesied slumber to join the remnant of her seed so as to do as Jesus promised His obedient bride will do.   Continue reading

Pope is behind Swiss Homophobic Jailing Laws

By an almost two-to-one vote met with ringing approval by pro-LGBT groups, the National Council of Switzerland voted this month on a measure to criminalize “homophobia” and “discrimination. …The country’s Criminal Code currently bans “incitement to hatred or discrimination against a person or group of persons on the basis of their ‘racial, ethnic or religious’ affiliation,” the paper explains, punishable by a fine or up to three years in prison. Reynard’s proposal would add “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” to that list.” –Source

Keep in mind the word “homophobia” is based on a lie just as the word “abortion” is based on a lie. What I mean is; they change the truth to make it more acceptable unto them by watering it down to remove shock value. Abortion really means your killing your baby, but abortion just means removing useless cells. And homophobia means Christians are scared of homosexuals when in fact we are not. We love them enough to tell them the truth and that angers those in power.  Continue reading


pope francis oops“A victim’s graphic letter describing sexual abuse by a priest that was witnessed by a controversial Chilean bishop was hand-delivered to Pope Francis three years ago — contradicting the pontiff’s claims that he was unaware anyone had come forward about a coverup, The Associated Press reports.”–Source

Well that is par for the course for the man of sin in Rome. In fact, as we know every Pope since day one has lied about everything from child molestation to what they call Christian doctrine; but with this Pope, who is in fact a Jesuit, lying is something that comes naturally. And no, I do not say that to be sarcastic or insulting in any way shape or form. The well documented and published Jesuit oath confirms this is what they must do as it shows how they promise to lie to every single denomination they infiltrate so as to move Vatican dogma into the churches they invade. They actually do so by acting as if they are newly installed church leaders of the same faith. As a Jesuit that is their main duty.  Continue reading

Pope wants all to worship creature over Creator

gettyimages-902574852-50_custom-e5a54cc57f086167929ef7639e8dc32b211a698d-s800-c85The following is everything the Pope claims will make for a better 2018 in his newest dissertation to the world. To summarize he stated in the article: “Stop the anti-migration rhetoric – Give thanks to countries that have taken in refugees – End the war in Syria  – Invest in medicines and treatments that are not always profitable  – Beware of robots taking away jobs – Close the gap between the rich and poor and End child labor.” –Source

Now some may say those are noble causes, and some are and some are purely political. But the reason I am pointing this out is that this man who claims to be a Christian who not only leads 1.2 billion Catholics, he is also considered the leader of over a billion Protestants since June 26, 2000 when he was placed as the leader of the one world church of which all churches are members; expect of course the prophesied obedient remnant people Continue reading

Vatican: Get time off in purgatory by following Pope on Twitter

pope-654“The Vatican is taking a modern approach to one of its oldest traditions, by offering indulgences to Twitter followers of the Pontifex’s social media account. …Under Catholic belief, after confessing and being absolved of sin, the indulgences granted reduce the amount of time one spends in purgatory, where one’s sins are weighed after death. Under the Pope’s new offer, those who follow the week’s events on the Twitter feed can get a speedier transit through purgatory, hopefully on the way to heaven.” Source

Just so you know, the Roman Catholic dogma of  Purgatory is defined in their Catechism book in the following manner. “purification, so as to achieve the holiness necessary to enter the joy of heaven,” which is experienced by those “who die in God’s grace and friendship, but still imperfectly purified” (CCC 1030). It notes that “this final purification of the elect . . . is entirely different from the punishment of the damned” (CCC 1031). (Click here for more on Purgatory)   Continue reading

Pope Francis ‘paving way for Antichrist’

jose_galatAn ultra-conservative university and television network director has fallen out of grace with Colombia’s Catholic church after claiming Pope Francis is a “false prophet” who is “paving the way for the Antichrist.”

The influential but radical Jose Galat, director of the Great Colombia university and Teleamiga television network, almost spewed fire when interviewed by Blu Radio about an impending papal visit to Colombia.   Continue reading