The SDA people are BLIND to Sunday Laws

Now on Video

On my main website I have discussed in many Newslettersblog entriesvideossermons and radio broadcasts the fact that Sunday Laws are in fact being discussed and promoted all over the world. In fact, back in 2009 when I noticed an uptick in such articles I decided to create a page on my website just for these articles. And keep in mind, I don’t go looking for these articles. I scan the news sites globally 6 days a week to find prophetic events happening in the news on many topics and quite often I come across articles about Sunday laws and so I share them when they come up if in fact they’re not a repeat of a similar article because redundancy makes for a boring compilation.

Now I am not going to post all the article headlines I have on that page because it would make this blog entry way too big. But I did scroll some of my favorites on the screen in the video I made yesterday. But they’re just a small fraction of what I have on that page, not to mention the thousands of other articles all over my website before I created the growing compilation page.  Continue reading

SDA Church Declares Peace & Safety

downloadDo you recall back in 1998 how Pope John Paul the II released a statement that said, “To the dismay of Seven Day Adventist’s… but to the relief of everyone else, the Pope has declared that the world is not about to end. (-The Times, 24 April 1998, by Richard Owen in Rome)

Well it seems the SDA church no longer feels the same dismay they did 20 years ago. In fact, the president of the SDA General Conference just stated the following on camera. He said, “understand that yes, national Sunday Laws will come, persecution will come, but nothing of that sort is in the pipeline at the present time. Nothing that we have understood.” (-Ted Wilson)   Continue reading

Christians losing faith in the churches

inside-a-church“This group represents an important and growing avenue of ministry for churches,” says Roxanne Stone, editor in chief of Barna Group. “Particularly if you live in a more churched area of the country, it’s more than likely you have a significant number of these disaffected Christians in your neighborhoods. They still love Jesus, still believe in Scripture and most of the tenets of their Christian faith. But they have lost faith in the church.” –Source

And rightly so because the churches of today have absolutely nothing to do with Jesus Christ or true Christianity. As prophesied they have joined with their mother in Rome and are now preaching “another Jesus” as well as everything from Allah is God to homosexual marriage is sanctified and so those that have a deep sense to know Jesus and His Word cannot stand to sit in such places, and so as it was prophesied in Revelation 14:4, they choose to leave so as not to be “defiled” by these churches and “follow the Lamb withersoever He goeth.” And yes, we as the remnant people can take advantage of this. Problem is I can see Satan taking advantage of all this as well.   Continue reading

GC of SDA joins hands with Pope to preach “another Jesus”

download“On Wednesday before the general audience Pope Francis received in audience the participants in the Conference of Secretaries of Christian World Communions, the international ecumenical association that meets annually in October, each year in a different country, to improve mutual awareness. The conference is made up of the Anglican Communion, the World Baptist Alliance, the Disciples Ecumenical Consultative Council, the Ecumenical Patriarchate (Eastern Orthodox), General Conference of Seventh-Day Adventists, the International Old Catholic Bishops’ Conference, the World Lutheran Foundation, the Mennonite World Conference, the Moravian Church Worldwide Unity Board, the Patriarchate of Moscow (Eastern Orthodox), the Pentecostals, the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity (Catholic Church), the Reformed Ecumenical Council, the Salvation Army, the Friends World Committee for Consultation (Quakers), the World Convention of Churches of Christ, the World Evangelical Alliance and the World Methodist Council. A representative of the World Council of Churches is also usually present.” –Source

The actual headline to the article was a bit long and may have caused some that read this blog to ignore the content of the article. The title as released by the Vatican was It’s Not My Jesus vs Your Jesus, But Our Jesus, Pope Says to Ecumenical Group.” Hence the title I posted is my way of making it a tad clearer as to what actually going on here. I know many SDA’s riding the fence read this blog and I know some of them have no clue about how their church leaders have joined with the Vatican in a big way. In fact, see my “Roman SDA” doc file compilation on this that since posting it on back in 2006. If you have time to read it all (and it is massive!) you will be very shocked at what the SDA General Conference has stated in writing! Seriously, every SDA needs to see those documents!   Continue reading


A priest was killed and another person seriously injured when two members from an Islamic extremist group stormed the Church of Saint-Etienne du Rouvray in Normandy, France, on July 26. The assailants slit the throat of Father Jacques Hamel, who was 85 years old.

In response, the Union of Federations of the Adventist Church in France (UFA) issued the following statement:  Continue reading