U.S. Dollar Goes Digital – the MARK not far behind

Credit: Blog from Presents of God ministry

I often wonder from time to time just how many people were in disbelief when I created my “Cashless Society” page on the site 12 years ago regarding the fact that the U.S. Dollar will have to become a digital form of currency if in fact the powers that be under Roman control are ever going to be able to enforce the mark of the beast. The prophecy is clear when speaking of the beast power

  • Revelation 13:16-17 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Common sense dictates, and is now rather easy to confirm in reality via current events that if the people of the world are allowed to have cash to buy food, pay bills or even have the ability to open a business wherein they can sell goods using cash; then the mark of the beast would be impossible to enforce. But if the government controls the currency right down to the penny in every bank account, then they can easily freeze any bank account by simply hitting a few keys on a keyboard.

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True “Revival”?

On February 12, a Super Bowl commercials promoted another “Jesus” as an agenda by “government approved 501c3” so-called Christian group “He Gets Us” and it reportedly costs $7 million for 30 seconds.

On February 8, at the ecumenical “Asbury University” breaks out a so-called “Asbury revival” for over 13 days where tens of thousands flocked to Kentucky where “attendees recorded the scene of hundreds raising their hands whilst singing a hymn at the auditorium. Clips spawned social media days after the Christian movement, He Gets Us, broke the internet with its $7 million advert at the Superbowl.”

At the same time thousands gather for Jesus March Revival in California where “Christian rock band ‘United Revival’ performed for the crowd and shared testimonies of how their faith has impacted and transformed their lives.” United Revival’s foundational beliefs includes the doctrine of Trinity. Trinity is a fruit of the great apostasy which is the central doctrine of the Roman Catholic church along with such false doctrines as Sunday keeping and immortality of the soul.

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COVID Emergency, Climate Emergency: Same Thing

This article from ZeroHedge pointed out that “as the Covid emergency fades away, the climate emergency is becoming prominent. After lamenting the rights that were taken from citizens during the Covid emergency, the article looks at exactly what superpowers the government would get in declaring a climate emergency…” The article is long but full of insights on how is the Covid emergency and Climate emergency is same thing.

“In February 2022, 1,140 organizations sent President Biden a letter urging him to declare a “climate emergency.” A group of US Senators did the same, in October 2022, and a House bill, introduced in 2021, also called on the president to “declare a national climate emergency under the National Emergencies Act.” Biden has considered declaring such an emergency, but so far he has declined, to the disappointment of many progressives. The United Nations (UN) has urged all countries to declare a climate emergency. The state of Hawaii and 170 local US jurisdictions have declared some version of one. So have 38 countries, including European Union members and the UK, and local jurisdictions around the world, together encompassing about 13 percent of the world’s population. Hillary Clinton was reportedly prepared to declare a “climate emergency” if she had won the 2016 election. A “climate emergency” is in the zeitgeist. Those words were surely uttered by the billionaires, technocrats and corporate CEOs attending the recent World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting in Davos.”

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Global elites are pushing for a new world order

Transcript starting 3:30:Our global economy is undergoing deep transformation. The energy transmission, the consequences of covid, the reshaping of supply chains are all serving as catalyctic forces for the economic transformation. The most critical fragmentation is between those who take a constructive attitude and those who are just bystanders… But the spirit of Davos is positive, its constructive.” [KlauS Schwab-WEF, Davos 2023]… (Start at 8:02) – [WEF]: “We have to save this planet to save our freedom and the way we’re living. And we’re not good enough yet. We have to improve.” “I feel that, you were talking about development, i think indeed we don’t need like growth or development. I really think less is more and I’ll leave it at that.” [Laura] – No more development. None for you. No more growth. It’s back to the stone age. Well, beneath all their breathless blaster about sustainability and global equity, lies the truth about the globalist’s real goals. Look, we’re not experiencing a planetary emergency. They are experiencing a power emergency, meaning, theirs is in jeopardy. Protecting their own purchase in influence and money, consolidating their power by any means necessary is their aim. So your modes of transportation, your food sources, how you cook your food, your right to self-defense, your right to free speech, even your right to own property, would be sacrificed for the greater good.Youtube Source: Fox News.

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Japan Minister Calls For New World Order

Adaptive Model of the Global World System – Club of Rome 1968

Japan’s trade and industry minister said on Thursday that a ‘new world order’ is needed to counter the rise of authoritarian regimes which have thrived in post-Cold War free trade and economic interdependence. “Authoritarian countries have amassed tremendous power, both economically and militarily,” said Yasutoshi Nishimura, Japan’s Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, adding “We must rebuild a world order based on the fundamental values of freedom, democracy, human rights and the rule of law.”

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Climate Lockdowns ‘trial’ to Begin in 2024

Prepare for ‘climate lockdowns’: Rogue British council wants to strip you of ‘freedoms and everyday liberties’ – Sky News host Rowan Dean says according to Darren Birks at the independent website Vision News, the Oxfordshire County Council is planning to embark on “climate lockdowns” in 2024. “I believe we are facing a sinister threat to the freedoms and everyday liberties that we and our parents have taken for granted all our and their lives,” Mr Dean said. “But are being squeezed out of us by woke left-wing authoritarian governments more effectively than a python crushing the breath out of Mrs Kafoops pet. “And if we don’t wake up soon and start saying no, it will be too late.” – Source.

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Great Reset: German Govt Wants to Remote Control Home Heat, Electric Car Charge

A government agency in Germany has announced a new scheme that will see power suppliers able to remotely limit home heating and electric car charging. Germany’s Federal Network Agency, a government watchdog responsible for the regulation of electricity and gas in the country, has announced a new plan that will allow power grid operators to remotely limit the use of heat pumps and electric car chargers in Germany next winter without the user’s permission. With the plans set to be put in place by January 2024, the measure has been described as a way of ensuring energy grid operators have the ability to artificially curb electricity demand should consumption outstrip supply. According to a report on the new scheme penned by Die Welt, the plan has been drawn up in response to the German energy grid being put under more and more strain by an increasing number of electric car chargers and people using more ‘environmentally friendly’ but electricity-intense heat pumps in their homes… According to a report by Politico, researchers believe that the country’s aim of having 15 million battery vehicles in operation by 2030 is ultimately a “pipe dream”, with one professor suggesting the final figure will end up being less than half that.” – Source.

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Global Warming or Global Cooling? It’s a Sign that Jesus is coming soon!

The deadly U.S. winter storm maintains its icy grip, claims at least 34 lives” according to Breitbart News article on December 26, 2022. “CNN reported that some major cities on the eastern seaboard have logged their coldest Christmas in decades and that cities in Florida — including Miami, Tampa and Orlando — recorded the coldest Dec. 25 since 1983. Farther south, record cold was felt in Knoxville, Tenn., with a high of 22 degrees and in Greensboro, N.C., with a high of 26 degrees as the “bomb cyclone” spread its frigid tentacles across the nation with attendant blizzards and heaping snow in worst affected areas.”

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“Thou Shalt Not Hold the Rose Parade on a Sunday” Says the Sun Newspaper

On December 12th, 2022, The San Bernardino Sun reported:

Thou shalt not hold the Rose Parade on a Sunday.”

“Thus spake Tournament of Roses officials in 1893, the first time New Year’s Day fell on the Lord’s Day. That year, organizers decided to move the New Year’s festivities to Jan. 2 in order to avoid frightening horses tied outside local churches and disrupting worship services.”

“It is the 21st time New Year’s Day falls on a Sunday in the century since the Tournament of Roses began.”

The Rev. Amy Aitken, pastor at First United Methodist Church (FUMC) in Pasadena, doesn’t worry about spooked horses outside the church doors these days.” Source.

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