Vatican promotes Trump! Sunday Laws coming soon!

 “Plenty of people on both sides of the political aisle have described the stakes of the upcoming presidential election in biblical terms. But at least one person in a San Diego Catholic church took things a step further in recent weeks. In an insert to the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church’s weekly bulletin on Oct. 16, a flier told parishioners that “it is a mortal sin to vote Democrat,” according to NBC 7The church’s publications didn’t just offend parishioners, who called them a “disgrace” and a “shame,” but they also potentially violated tax law. Specifically, the “Johnson Amendment,” proposed by Lyndon B. Johnson as a senator, prohibits tax-exempt charities, or section 501(c)(3) organizations, from participating in any political campaign for an elective office, according to The Washington Post. ” –Source

Now yes, I know, this is old news. And I was planning on posting this a week ago, but articles that were more pressing came up and I was called away from home for a day as well. So it stayed on the back burner for a while. But I still can’t ignore what’s happening here and so I must share what the Lord showed me on this. Especially since I made the video “Trump and the Prophesied 501c3” back in July.   Continue reading

Vatican condemns radio station over anti-gay comments on quake

_92279323_mediaitem92275611“The Vatican has condemned a right-wing Catholic radio station after a broadcast said the recent earthquakes in Italy were “God’s punishment” for gay civil unions. The remarks, made on the station Radio Maria, were “offensive and scandalous”, the Vatican said. A Dominican friar said the quakes, including one in August that killed nearly 300, were caused by sins of man. He said these included the approval of same-sex civil unions last May. But the Vatican rejected the remarks as pagan, and said they had nothing to do with Catholic theology.” –Source

First and foremost, the Bible says the following about homosexuality.

“For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.” -Romans 1:26,27 (Also see… Genesis 19:1-11, Leviticus 18:22, 20:13, 1Kings 14:24; 15:12, 2Kings 23:7, Romans 1:18-32, 1Corinthians 6:9-11, 1 Timothy 1:8-10 and Jude 7)   Continue reading

Ecosexual: Sex With the Earth Now Available in Experimental Art Bathhouse in Sydney

earth-dayTwo Australian artists have set up what they call an “ecosexual bathhouse” at a festival of experimental art in Sydney where people are invited to have sex with the earth to help secure the future of the planet.

Part of the Syndey LiveWorks Festival of experimental art, the bathhouse is premised on “ecosexuality,” a “growing” movement involving a queer identity that considers the environment an erotic partner. The bathhouse has been created by artists Loren Kronemyer and Ian Sinclair of the artists collective of Pony Express, according to Vice.

The artists described their work as a “no-holds-barred extravaganza meant to dissolve the barriers between species as we descend into oblivion” as the result of our global environmental crisis.   Continue reading

White evangelicals, Catholics and Mormons carried Trump

Supporters cheer during a campaign rally by Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump in Manchester, New Hampshire, on November 7, 2016.  Photo courtesy of Reuters/Carlo Allegri *Editors: This photo may only be republished with RNS-RELIGION-VOTE, originally transmitted on Nov. 9, 2016.
Supporters cheer during a campaign rally by Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump in Manchester, New Hampshire, on November 7, 2016. Photo courtesy of Reuters/Carlo Allegri
*Editors: This photo may only be republished with RNS-RELIGION-VOTE, originally transmitted on Nov. 9, 2016.

(RNS) A strong white evangelical, Catholic and Mormon vote for Donald Trump belied the condemnation many religious leaders had leveled at the tycoon and paved the way for a stunning upset after a long and polarizing campaign.

Preliminary exit polls indicate these religious groups voted for Trump by strong margins — in some cases larger than they had given to GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney in 2012.

Christians who described themselves as evangelical and born-again gave Trump 81 percent of their votes, up 3 percentage points from their support for Mitt Romney, the 2012 GOP presidential nominee. Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton garnered 16 percent of their votes.

Evangelical support for Trump surged even as prominent evangelicals, including Southern Baptist Russell Moore, railed against Trump’s behavior toward immigrants, women and other groups as un-Christian.“Donald Trump made the most full-throated and aggressive appeal to evangelical voters … since Ronald Reagan spoke to the Religious Roundtable in August of 1980,” said Ralph Reed, chairman of the Faith & Freedom Coalition. “He made these voters of faith a centerpiece of his campaign.”   Continue reading

100,000 Muslims Demand Jakarta’s Christian Gov. Be Jailed for Blasphemy: ‘Hang the Traitor’

jakartaJakarta’s Christian governor was interrogated by police on Monday after tens of thousands of angry Muslims took to the streets on Friday to demand that he be jailed for allegedly insulting Islam’s holy book, the Quran.

Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, the first Christian in over 50 years to be elected governor of the world’s most populous Muslim nation’s capital, spent nearly nine hours being questioned by authorities after thousands of Muslim demonstrators filled city streets to accuse the governor of committing the criminal offense of blasphemy.

The accusation stems from comments that Purnama, who is commonly known as “Ahok,” made during a trip to the Thousand Islands in September, where he said the Quran is lying to Muslims when it tells them they can’t vote for non-Muslims.

After Purnama’s comment made its rounds on social media, Muslim radicals were quick to accuse the Protestant governor of blasphemy and call for him to pull out of the hotly contested 2017 election.   Continue reading

Experts: Criticism of Islam may be banned in U.S

geert_wilders“Dutch politician Geert Wilders has spent years speaking out against the threat Islam poses to his country, and now he finds himself in legal trouble for it. …The charges stem from a March 2014 rally in which Wilders asked a room full of supporters if they wanted “more or fewer Moroccans” in the country. When the audience chanted, “Fewer, fewer!” Wilders responded, “Well, we’ll arrange that, then.” This led the Dutch government to prosecute Wilders for “offending members of a group based on their race, and hate speech and discrimination,” according to the New York Times. …Don’t think for a moment something like this couldn’t happen to an American politician, says American Freedom Defense Initiative president Pamela Geller – especially if Hillary Clinton becomes our next president. While she was secretary of State, the U.S. voted for U.N. Human Rights Council Resolution 16/18, which calls for criminalization of ‘incitement to religious hatred,’ a subjective category that allows for the criminalization of any dissenting voice,” Geller told WND.” –Source

Yes, it was a  generalized statement, but like the Vatican controlled left has always done, if they can find any hook to hang their miter on they will go for it no matter how far-fetched it may seem to those with ample brain cells still firing that can form a fair lump of common sense. It’s obvious the man was speaking in a political sense regarding ways to prevent Muslims from invading his land to do as they have done in so many lands before them in just the last few years alone. It’s not like everyone on the planet is blind to this. And we all know how Rome was prophesied to perform this global invasion so as to have the means by which to control the courts in any given land they settle into. And having that proverbial seat in their halls of justice as well as in the U.N. they can influence their “friends” with strong Catholic connections to assure “hate speech” is curtailed on any “religious” level they can find so as to have their own religion protected in the process. This is why Islam is called a religion instead of a terrorist movement by most in the media. Since it’s claimed to be a religion, protecting one religion means all must be protected. That is of course excluding true Christianity.   Continue reading

Obama moves for universal health care – in Bangladesh!

cash-100-dollar-bills-money-600“The Obama administration’s desire for a universal health-care system soon may be fulfilled – in Bangladesh. It is there that U.S. taxpayers potentially face an initial $90 million “investment” solely to design such a system. …The administration through USAID expressed a commitment to help the government of Bangladesh, or GOB, achieve its objective of providing UHC by 2032. The agency acknowledged, however, that several obstacles stand in the way attaining that goal – including a GOB trend of spending proportionally less money each year on health care for Bangladeshis.” –Source

Some of you may recall a 3 minute video I made back in December of 2013 titled “Obamacare = International tool to enforce mark of the beast.” I outlined some facts regarding the involvement of the World Bank president and why an international banker would be interested in Obamacare. I also mention the video I made 5 days earlier titled “Guillotines in Obamacare” in that video as well and yes, that one got many more hits than the one about the mark of the beast because as Rome knows, most people could care less about their eternal lives. They only care about the flesh and what it has to offer on a day to day basis. That’s why the video about the guillotines has 11,366 bits to date wherein the other video made just 5 days later only has 1497 hits. Basic reality of this end tome society is that most people today don’t want to hear about the prophesied truths of the Bible. And yes, that too was prophesied. Notice what it says in Isaiah…   Continue reading

American Christians cave on core beliefs

bible1“The number of professing Christians is declining in America. And it’s not just because of the media, the public schools or even activism by atheists. It’s because Christians themselves are genuinely ignorant about the tenets of their faith, according to a new study. Americans, who still overwhelmingly identify as Christian, hold contradictory, confused and even heretical beliefs when it comes to God, according to the “State of American Theology Study 2016.” It found 64 percent agreed “strongly” or “somewhat” with the statement “God accepts the worship of all religions, including Christianity, Judaism and Islam. Sixty percent of Americans agreed with the statement “heaven is a place where all people will ultimately be reunited with their loved ones.” And only 40 percent of those surveyed agreed “hell is an eternal place of judgment where God sends all people who do not personally trust in Jesus Christ.”” –Source

Why this article states the change of their beliefs wasn’t due to “the media, the public schools or even activism by atheists” is absolute unadulterated nonsense. That is exactly why the Christians have become lukewarm across the board in America. As obedient Christians know, and I did a sermon on this back in 2011 that later became the video “By Beholding most become killers” and the gist of it is, thanks to the “media, the public schools or even activism by atheists,” most Christians have been distracted away from their Bibles.   Continue reading

Website owners facing government-set ‘trap’

internet“The issue is that participants in reader forums often post copyrighted material, such as an image or an article. Under the current law, as part of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, website owners are protected from massive monetary liability based on the actions of their users if they meet the law’s requirements, such as accepting notifications of copyright conflicts and taking part in a notice-and-takedown procedure for complaints. …EFF warned that the little guys will suffer. What’s truly frightening about this rule is who it’s likely to affect the most. YouTube and Facebook will be fine. It’s small companies, small nonprofits, and activist groups that are at risk – the same groups that are most poorly poised to fight copyright infringement suits.” –Source

Without doing a bit more research into this, (as I plan to do) I don’t see how “the little guys will suffer” much unless they’re already breaking copyright law. And those “little guys” I assume are ministries like mine as well as blogs and forums run by people with somewhat of a following. The only way I see the little guys being hurt is if they don’t place the source of every quote they offer on their sites, or if they actually make money with those quotes. I praise the Lord many years ago He revealed to me that I must share the legit source to every quote I offer and or posted on Usenet when exposing the Roman Catholic church for two reasons. #1, it made it impossible for the Roman Catholic nay sayers on Usenet to refute the truth about their own church fathers and modern day prelates, and #2, the Lord knew this day would come when Rome’s attack on free speech would be realized and so I needed to make it a habit to post every source on every quote I found.  Continue reading

VIDEO: Chicago Crime: October was 2nd deadliest month of 2016, police say

1584534_630x354“Tuesday was the first day of November and Chicago has already recorded its first murder. The newest crime numbers from the Chicago Police Department are staggering.” –Source

It never ceases to amaze me how accurate Christian prophecy is. Worse yet, it also boggles my mind as to how so many understanding Christians ignore it point blank. I praise God for the hedge of angels the obedient flock keeps praying for and the Lord keeps placing over them. Still, eventually that hedge will be removed when the Christians continue to ignore the many warnings as we get close to the end day by day because we cannot get around the fact that the cities of America are no place for Christians to be living. And it’s not just the crime either. That’s bad enough especially in Chicago as we see in this article. But temptation from the enemy of souls runs amuck at every turn from the scantily clad women (and men) on the billboards to the wicked souls milling about looking for a mate and or victim day by day. Yes, the city is a good place to do the work, be that secular or spiritual work for obvious reasons. But millions of people live outside the city and commute to work in them each and every day. But for Christians who understand prophecy; when it comes to the will of God who prefers His people heed the warnings, another factor of amazement has to be His off the chart longsuffering and patience towards those that remain in the city even years after realizing He told them it was time to leave.   Continue reading