Socialism, Open Borders, Fighting Aged Men, Gangs

Credit: Blog from 4 and 7 Ministry

Prophecy declares that the first beast of Revelation, the home of the AntiChristthe Vatican, will use Socialism to enforce its long prophesied Mark of the Beast upon the world. They have to use Socialism because it is the only governmental structure which allows for the final ten kingdoms on earth to exist at all. Both the pope, as well as all those who serve him, are seeking for ultimate power and control. Make no mistake, they WILL get it … but only for about 15 days.

What the Vatican needs right now is a voting bloc that will support them in whatever they do. To that end, the most powerful tool in the Vatican arsenal is the Second Beast of Revelation, the United States. The US is prophesied to lead the way in the enforcement of the Vatican Mark and will use everything from climate change to sexual depravity to make it happen. The US must remain the most powerful and influential nation on earth in order to accomplish the will of the Vatican. That’s precisely why you see Western culture being so pervasive in even the most remote regions of earth.

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Steps Have Been Taken to Enforce the MARK

Credit: Blog from Presents of God ministry

First off, when you read this blog post you will know why I haven’t uploaded in over a week. This post took some time to compile and even though it’s a bit long, it is nowhere near as big as it can be. Reason being is that many prophecies have been fulfilled the last decade or so and especially the last few years proving we are living in the last hours of earth’s history. Our Lord, Saviour Creator and King Jesus is VERY soon in coming. In that I have much peace and joy deep within contemplating His soon return while at the same time much sadness as I know most people alive today have no desire to make their paths straight for the coming of the Lord. Sadder more is that many of them claim to be Christians.

That being the case, and with the hope this will help some get ready for the return of Christ, I am going to share in a summarized manner some of all that’s happening proving all we see is a purposely orchestrated series of events that are for the most part are taking place simultaneously so as to keep the majority of people confused and this especially includes Christians who have allowed the world to distract them to the point they are no longer serious about Bible study.

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Commandments Ignored in New Testament – FOR A REASON

Credit: Blog from Presents of God ministry

Sadly, as we look around we see that most churches today ignore the Ten Commandments that are clearly listed in the New Testament for a sinister reason.

As prophesied, many wolves and false prophets stand on pulpits today wherein Satan can use their strange theology to cultivate the many scoffers and skeptics that learn from them all over the world. They all believe the Law was abolished at the cross even though Jesus clearly said in Matthew 5:18 that nary a speck of His Law will pass away till heaven and earth pass and all is fulfilled. With that said, I must ask, is heaven above and the earth beneath still here? Have all prophecies been fulfilled wherein we are currently in the city of Heaven? No? Then this means His Law is still binding no matter what the false preachers are saying. 

Some may wonder, why is the devil using the pastors and politicians to force people into thinking the Law of God is not something we have to obey? It’s because Christian prophecy says he’s going to use God’s Law as a way to con billions into worshiping him, (See Isaiah 14:12-14) while at the same time cause those billions of deceived souls to openly mock the Lord Jesus Christ in what prophecy calls the enforcement of the mark of the beast.

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True “Revival”?

On February 12, a Super Bowl commercials promoted another “Jesus” as an agenda by “government approved 501c3” so-called Christian group “He Gets Us” and it reportedly costs $7 million for 30 seconds.

On February 8, at the ecumenical “Asbury University” breaks out a so-called “Asbury revival” for over 13 days where tens of thousands flocked to Kentucky where “attendees recorded the scene of hundreds raising their hands whilst singing a hymn at the auditorium. Clips spawned social media days after the Christian movement, He Gets Us, broke the internet with its $7 million advert at the Superbowl.”

At the same time thousands gather for Jesus March Revival in California where “Christian rock band ‘United Revival’ performed for the crowd and shared testimonies of how their faith has impacted and transformed their lives.” United Revival’s foundational beliefs includes the doctrine of Trinity. Trinity is a fruit of the great apostasy which is the central doctrine of the Roman Catholic church along with such false doctrines as Sunday keeping and immortality of the soul.

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Rome’s Top Bishop Agreed Rome’s Homosexual Agenda is Correct

The newly elected president of the U.S. bishops’ conference (USCCB) is correct in linking clerical sexual abuse to homosexuality, declares Catholic League president Bill Donohue. Archbishop Timothy Broglio has been pilloried by the Catholic left this week because of statements emphasizing the preponderance of male victims of clerical sexual abuse, but he should not allow himself to be bullied because he is correct, writes Donohue, who holds a doctorate in sociology and published an authoritative study of clerical abuse… “While self-identity is an interesting subjective phenomenon, it is no substitute for objective reality. The fact is the clergy sexual abuse crisis was caused overwhelmingly by homosexual priests, and attempts to deny this verity are intellectually dishonest,” Donohue states.” – Source.

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Pope says abortion ‘no ethical problem’


The Vatican just announced the following from their very own Catholic News Service.

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Pope Francis says extramarital sex sins aren’t that ‘serious’

Lust is not the worst of the seven deadly sins, according to Pope Francis. The leader of the Catholic Church has come out saying there are worse indiscretions than having sex outside of marriage, in an interview with reporters while en route from Greece to Italy. “Sins of the flesh are not the most serious,” the 84-year-old religious leader said regarding sex outside of marriage. Top transgressions instead include pride and hatred, according to Reuters. Francis’ rankings of the worst wrongdoings followed the resignation of a Paris archbishop, who quit over a relationship with a woman earlier this month.” – SOURCE

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Pope and top 2 Ecumenical leaders falsely claims climate change is “cry of the earth” and “an immediate and urgent matter of survival”

“We call on everyone, whatever their belief or world view, to endeavor to listen to the cry of the earth and of people who are poor, examining their behavior and pledging meaningful sacrifices for the sake of the earth which God has given us,” said Francis, Archbishop Justin Welby of the Anglican Communion and Orthodox Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I“ – Source “The extreme weather and natural disasters of recent months reveal afresh to us with great force and at great human cost that climate change is not only a future challenge, but an immediate and urgent matter of survival,” they said.”   – Source

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Senator Boasts of Disobeying God on Camera



If you check this video out I am sure it will shock some of you and sadly I am also sure some may not even care as this has become the norm for billions of souls all over the world.

Notice what this woman (Senator Amy Klobuchar) says who is running for president of the United States. Not only is she seeking to please the Pope to gain political positioning regarding his long prophesied and recently proven false climate change agenda, she is knowingly and quite boldly belittling the God of the Universe in the process.

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