Christian Persecution Is On The Rise

Credit: Blog from 4 and 7 Ministry

Matthew 10:22 “And ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.”

Far too many souls are totally unaware that, especially during the time of the prophesied Tribulation, the Vatican was declared to be the one who would make war against the saints of God.

Daniel 7:25 “And he shall … shall wear out the saints of the most High,”

Revelation 13:7 “And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.”

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Commandments Ignored in New Testament – FOR A REASON

Credit: Blog from Presents of God ministry

Sadly, as we look around we see that most churches today ignore the Ten Commandments that are clearly listed in the New Testament for a sinister reason.

As prophesied, many wolves and false prophets stand on pulpits today wherein Satan can use their strange theology to cultivate the many scoffers and skeptics that learn from them all over the world. They all believe the Law was abolished at the cross even though Jesus clearly said in Matthew 5:18 that nary a speck of His Law will pass away till heaven and earth pass and all is fulfilled. With that said, I must ask, is heaven above and the earth beneath still here? Have all prophecies been fulfilled wherein we are currently in the city of Heaven? No? Then this means His Law is still binding no matter what the false preachers are saying. 

Some may wonder, why is the devil using the pastors and politicians to force people into thinking the Law of God is not something we have to obey? It’s because Christian prophecy says he’s going to use God’s Law as a way to con billions into worshiping him, (See Isaiah 14:12-14) while at the same time cause those billions of deceived souls to openly mock the Lord Jesus Christ in what prophecy calls the enforcement of the mark of the beast.

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‘I Don’t Believe In Popes Or Kings’ – Nicaraguan President Said

The Vatican News on February 27, 2023, reported that the “Nicaraguan President bans Easter processions” after comparing the Catholic church to the “mafia”.

“In his address to the nation, (Daniel) Ortega also accused the papacy of having supported Italian dictator Mussolini, and the Vatican of being a “mafia organization”.

I don’t believe in popes or kings: who chooses the Pope?” he said. “If we want to talk about democracy, the people should first elect priests and the bishops”, and “even the Pope” should be “elected by direct vote and not by the organized mafia in the Vatican.”

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True “Revival”?

On February 12, a Super Bowl commercials promoted another “Jesus” as an agenda by “government approved 501c3” so-called Christian group “He Gets Us” and it reportedly costs $7 million for 30 seconds.

On February 8, at the ecumenical “Asbury University” breaks out a so-called “Asbury revival” for over 13 days where tens of thousands flocked to Kentucky where “attendees recorded the scene of hundreds raising their hands whilst singing a hymn at the auditorium. Clips spawned social media days after the Christian movement, He Gets Us, broke the internet with its $7 million advert at the Superbowl.”

At the same time thousands gather for Jesus March Revival in California where “Christian rock band ‘United Revival’ performed for the crowd and shared testimonies of how their faith has impacted and transformed their lives.” United Revival’s foundational beliefs includes the doctrine of Trinity. Trinity is a fruit of the great apostasy which is the central doctrine of the Roman Catholic church along with such false doctrines as Sunday keeping and immortality of the soul.

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COVID Emergency, Climate Emergency: Same Thing

This article from ZeroHedge pointed out that “as the Covid emergency fades away, the climate emergency is becoming prominent. After lamenting the rights that were taken from citizens during the Covid emergency, the article looks at exactly what superpowers the government would get in declaring a climate emergency…” The article is long but full of insights on how is the Covid emergency and Climate emergency is same thing.

“In February 2022, 1,140 organizations sent President Biden a letter urging him to declare a “climate emergency.” A group of US Senators did the same, in October 2022, and a House bill, introduced in 2021, also called on the president to “declare a national climate emergency under the National Emergencies Act.” Biden has considered declaring such an emergency, but so far he has declined, to the disappointment of many progressives. The United Nations (UN) has urged all countries to declare a climate emergency. The state of Hawaii and 170 local US jurisdictions have declared some version of one. So have 38 countries, including European Union members and the UK, and local jurisdictions around the world, together encompassing about 13 percent of the world’s population. Hillary Clinton was reportedly prepared to declare a “climate emergency” if she had won the 2016 election. A “climate emergency” is in the zeitgeist. Those words were surely uttered by the billionaires, technocrats and corporate CEOs attending the recent World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting in Davos.”

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Pope Says Homosexuality Is Not a Crime, but Is a Sin

VATICAN CITY —  Pope Francis criticized laws that criminalize homosexuality as “unjust,” saying God loves all his children just as they are and called on Roman Catholic bishops who support the laws to welcome LGBTQ people into the church. “Being homosexual isn’t a crime,” Francis said during an interview Tuesday with the Associated Press. Francis acknowledged that Catholic bishops in some parts of the world support laws that criminalize homosexuality or discriminate against LGBTQ people, and he himself referred to the issue in terms of “sin.” But he attributed such attitudes to cultural backgrounds, and said bishops in particular need to undergo a process of change to recognize the dignity of everyone. “These bishops have to have a process of conversion,” he said, adding that they should apply “tenderness, please, as God has for each one of us.” Francis’ comments, which were hailed by gay rights advocates as a milestone, are the first uttered by a pope about such laws. But they are also consistent with his overall approach to LGBTQ people and belief that the Catholic Church should welcome everyone and not discriminate.

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Climate Lockdowns ‘trial’ to Begin in 2024

Prepare for ‘climate lockdowns’: Rogue British council wants to strip you of ‘freedoms and everyday liberties’ – Sky News host Rowan Dean says according to Darren Birks at the independent website Vision News, the Oxfordshire County Council is planning to embark on “climate lockdowns” in 2024. “I believe we are facing a sinister threat to the freedoms and everyday liberties that we and our parents have taken for granted all our and their lives,” Mr Dean said. “But are being squeezed out of us by woke left-wing authoritarian governments more effectively than a python crushing the breath out of Mrs Kafoops pet. “And if we don’t wake up soon and start saying no, it will be too late.” – Source.

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Another Pandemic Simulation Conducted – This Time The Virus Is Deadlier And Targets Children

The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security partnered with the World Health Organization and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to conduct “Catastrophic Contagion,” an exercise to simulate a global pandemic that is deadlier than the coronovirus and especially dangerous for children. Bill Gates was in attendance. The group conducted Catastrophic Contagion in Brussels, Belgium on October 23, 2022. During the simulation, the World Health Organization’s health advisory board addressed a fictional “Severe Epidemic Enterovirus Respiratory Syndrome” pandemic that originates in Brazil and disseminates across the globe. The exercise simulated a series of WHO emergency health advisory board meetings addressing a fictional pandemic set in the near future.” – Source.

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Rome’s Top Bishop Agreed Rome’s Homosexual Agenda is Correct

The newly elected president of the U.S. bishops’ conference (USCCB) is correct in linking clerical sexual abuse to homosexuality, declares Catholic League president Bill Donohue. Archbishop Timothy Broglio has been pilloried by the Catholic left this week because of statements emphasizing the preponderance of male victims of clerical sexual abuse, but he should not allow himself to be bullied because he is correct, writes Donohue, who holds a doctorate in sociology and published an authoritative study of clerical abuse… “While self-identity is an interesting subjective phenomenon, it is no substitute for objective reality. The fact is the clergy sexual abuse crisis was caused overwhelmingly by homosexual priests, and attempts to deny this verity are intellectually dishonest,” Donohue states.” – Source.

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Anti-Pauline Movement Easily Exposed AGAIN

Before sharing the biblical proof that exposes the anti-Pauline movement, you need to know that all of them that claim Paul is a false apostle do in fact claim Peter is a legitimate apostle as well. That being the case, notice what Peter says about Paul here…

2 Peter 3:13-15 Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness. (14) Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace, without spot, and blameless. (15) And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you; (16) As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.”

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