Christians could go to prison for sharing the Gospel of Jesus in Israel!

On March 19, 2023, the All Israel News reported the newly proposed legislation to outlaw sharing the gospel message in Israel.

“In what may seem like a strange action in the nation that gave birth to Jesus Christ of Nazareth, some lawmakers in Israel are now looking to send Christians to prison for sharing the Gospel of Jesus in their country.
Legislation has been introduced by Knesset Members Moshe Gafni and Yaakov Asher, two ultra-Orthodox members of Benjamin Netanyahu’s coalition government, seeking to toss people in prison for spreading the Good News of eternal life offered by the Son of God.
The proposed law makes it illegal to share Christian messages in conversation in person, online, as well as in print or by email.
Violators would be imprisoned for a year, with the punishment doubled to two years if believers are witnessing to someone under the age of 18.” Source.

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Confusing Statement of pope – Are All Really Apostles?

On March 15, 2023, the pope emphasized during his weekly General Audience that the “Apostles are not only the twelve disciples but all the baptized“. This statement of the pope is confusing especially to the babes in Christ. The pope profess to preach the Bible but he actually hate the Scriptures and anyone that embraces its truth, for he is twisting the Bible truth. But the diligent Bible students will not accept this falsehood.

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Pope Francis: ‘The Lord Is Not Looking for Perfect Christians’ – (Wait, what?)

Pope Francis said Sunday that Jesus is not looking for “perfect Christians” or those who “never doubt.” … “By telling us the story of Thomas,” Francis said, “the Gospel tells us that the Lord is not looking for perfect Christians. The Lord is not looking for perfect Christians.” “I am afraid when I see a Christian, some associations of Christians who believe themselves to be perfect,” he continued. “The Lord is not looking for perfect Christians; the Lord is not looking for Christians who never doubt and always flaunt a steadfast faith.” – SOURCE.

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New Research: Majority of U.S. parents do not believe Bible is God’s word

A prominent Evangelical researcher has warned that the lack of a biblical worldview among parents of preteens puts youth at a “spiritual disadvantage.” The George Barna-led Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University released the first report of its American Worldview Inventory 2022 Tuesday, which analyzed “the worldview dilemma of American parents.” … Although some parents are “aware the child’s worldview is being developed,” Barna said they may “choose or allow outsiders to accomplish that duty on the parent’s behalf.” “Shockingly few parents intentionally speak to their children about beliefs and behavior based upon a biblical worldview,” Barna said. “Perhaps the most powerful worldview lesson parents provide is through their own behavior, yet our studies consistently indicate that parental choices generally do not reflect biblical principles or an intentionally Christian approach to life.” The research concluded that American parents’ views about the Bible play a role in the group’s widespread absence of a biblical worldview. Specifically, nearly six out of 10 parents surveyed do not see the Bible as a “reliable and accurate source of God’s truth,” while just 40% view the Bible as “God’s accurate words for humanity.” – SOURCE.

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Kanye West’s Fake Christianity and the MARK

Now don’t get me wrong, I am all for the sinner and especially one that is in the main stream repenting of their sin and finding Jesus so as to gain salvation. But when we look at how the main stream media, and this includes the so called Christian leaders who are in open apostasy promoting men like Kanye West as if he is a role model unto all the young people seeking the Lord Jesus Christ, those with eyes that see know exactly what we’re looking at here. This is no different than that video I did about the Pope’s wound being healed years ago. Something not a single preacher and even those that supposedly teach prophecy will ever declare from their pulpits out of fear of being mistaken.

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VIDEO: Tracking Christians part 2

downloadNow I don’t ordinarily do this, but I am going to make a video about another video I plan to post on my YouTube page today that I think every serious Bible believing Christian needs to watch. It’s about a year old and so the technology they’re using here has no doubt been updated to be even more powerful by now. This video is just four and a half minutes long, and so I hope you watch it to the end.

And yes, what is said in the video about the Constitution is one of the main reasons the US Constitution will be changed very soon. In fact, I did two videos on this years ago. See Video #1 and Video #2 by clicking the links.   Continue reading

Pope Francis criticizes ‘Fake Christians’ in weekly address

16416106_GVATICAN CITY – Pope Francis criticized people he called “fake Christians” and “Mafiosi” on Wednesday. The Pope held his weekly audience in St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican. Speaking to thousands of faithful, Francis said “fake Christians” who claim to follow Jesus but who lead corrupt lives will “meet a bad end.” He called out “Mafioso Christians,” saying they “carry death in their soul and to others.” –Source

While all that may be true, one has to keep in mind that the Pope of Rome is in fact the prophesied man of sin and so he will mix truth with error so as to lure many into his camp. And so just as a Christian allows the Holy Spirit sent forth by the ever living God of creation to move their tongue when speaking truth unto the people the Lord sends their way, so will the Pope use the unholy spirit of his dying god to speak lies unto the people sent his way. And so when he speaks of being a good Christian he is actually talking about being a good Catholic and anyone refusing to do as he teaches is a fake Christian. We must do as Jesus stated when it comes to examining the fruits of those who claim Jesus to be their Lord. After all, was it not prophesied by Paul in 2 Corinthians 11:4 that many will “preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached…” And did not Jesus Himself state in Matthew 24:11 that “many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many” in our day?   Continue reading

Christian slapped with $12,000 ‘Shariah fine’ for not removing shoes

John-Alabi-of-Ontario-Canada-fined-for-offending-his-muslim-tenants-2017Canada is now fining its citizens for offending people of the Islamic faith.

John Alabi, 53, is a Christian and a landlord who lives in the Toronto area and is being ordered to pay a fine of $12,000 by the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal because he failed to remove his shoes when he entered the apartment he was renting to a Muslim couple.

His crime? Religious discrimination, according to the tribunal.   Continue reading

Christians losing faith in the churches

inside-a-church“This group represents an important and growing avenue of ministry for churches,” says Roxanne Stone, editor in chief of Barna Group. “Particularly if you live in a more churched area of the country, it’s more than likely you have a significant number of these disaffected Christians in your neighborhoods. They still love Jesus, still believe in Scripture and most of the tenets of their Christian faith. But they have lost faith in the church.” –Source

And rightly so because the churches of today have absolutely nothing to do with Jesus Christ or true Christianity. As prophesied they have joined with their mother in Rome and are now preaching “another Jesus” as well as everything from Allah is God to homosexual marriage is sanctified and so those that have a deep sense to know Jesus and His Word cannot stand to sit in such places, and so as it was prophesied in Revelation 14:4, they choose to leave so as not to be “defiled” by these churches and “follow the Lamb withersoever He goeth.” And yes, we as the remnant people can take advantage of this. Problem is I can see Satan taking advantage of all this as well.   Continue reading

Muslim Mob Rapes 15 Christian Women in ‘Revenge Attack’ for Conversions

uganda-christian-640x480In a recent attack, some 90 Muslims stormed a Christian church in eastern Uganda, beating and tying up the men present before raping 15 of the Christian women.

The assault was reportedly a “revenge attack” against the pastor of the Katira church for allegedly converting Muslims to Christianity. Along with the violence perpetrated against the congregation, the mob also carried off the pastor, the Rev. Moses Mutasa, and severely damaged the church property.

According to a member of the congregation who escaped from the church, one of the attackers shouted, “Away with the pastor who is converting our Muslims to Christianity.” After the attack, church members also found leaflets accusing the pastor of converting Muslims and threatening more attacks.   Continue reading